PAX East

The Coma 2 & Pumpkin Jack PAX East Preview

What terrifies you the most? Is it heights, snakes, falling, or the fear of dying alone? In a world where the current economic landscape is uncertain, many are concerned about how they will pay their rent or survive this next month. Despite multiple Triple-A titles releasing between March 20th and April 20th, many have turned to horror or survival games. At the moment, Animal Crossing New Horizons...[Read More]

PAX East 2020: Iron Harvest Hands On Preview

At the dawn of a new era comes an alteration to the style of modern combat and warfare. World War I introduced the world to mobile and mechanized warfare, with the innovation of tanks and airplanes. Science, engineering, and the need for war combined with each other to create fearsome machines that made the hardiest of soldiers tremble with fear. Following The Great War, science and technology hav...[Read More]

SpongeBob & Destroy All Humans PAX East Preview

At E3 2019 THQ Nordic revealed that two beloved franchises would be returning to the modern era of consoles; these two franchises are SpongeBob SquarePants and Destroy All Humans. At PAX East 2020, we met with the THQ Nordic team to preview the newest Destroy All Humans and SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated.

Sail Forth on a Freshly Frosted Adventure

When it comes to the world of gaming, the games that people recognize are typically AAA titles. Often, their indie counterparts fall into the shadow of these billion-dollar franchises and often deemed inferior. Most view the Indie gaming genre as cute pet projects rather than works or creative expressions of art. What the gaming community does not realize is the amount of passion and dedication it...[Read More]

DOOM Eternal Hands-On Preview – One Hell of a Ride!

During PAX East 2020, Jonathan White, Matt Kowalski, and I went to the Bethesda Game Days event that happened over two days next door to PAX. The one game all three of us were most excited to play was the upcoming DOOM Eternal. While there, I did also play the new content in Fallout 76, but I will talk about that in a later post. We each got hands-on time with Doom Eternal, leaving all three of us...[Read More]

Disaster Report 4 Summer Memories PAX East Preview

Almost a week has passed since PAX East has come to a close. This year’s event was surrounded by controversy due to the fear of the spread of the Coronavirus. Just a week prior to the event, Sony announced that they were pulling out to avoid any contamination; after previous announcements, Square Enix and Capcom announced that they would not be sending their international development teams t...[Read More]

Animal Crossing New Horizons Hands-On Impressions at PAX East 2020

Every year I look forward to my trip to PAX East in Boston, and every year I look forward to what Nintendo is going to bring to the expo hall floor. I can tell you from four days of personal experience, Nintendo did not disappoint this time. Past years there was always a nice looking spot with multiple demos of different games that are either out or coming out very soon.

MARVEL Future Revolution Coming To Mobile

Developers Netmarble, the creators of the mobile game hit “MARVEL Future Fight,” and Marvel Entertainment have once again joined forces. For those of you that enjoy RPG games, you’ll be in for some good news as, they have announced the Marvel universe’s first open-world RPG mobile game: “MARVEL Future Revolution.” That’s right! The Marvel universe will soon likewise fall into step with the o...[Read More]

Animal Crossing: New Horizons at PAX EAST

Rockers, the time draws near! We are less than a week away from PAX EAST 2020. With PAX East drawing near, our schedules are starting to become full; however, a new challenger prepares for battle against the hordes of PAX East attendees. Today, Nintendo has announced that Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be at PAX EAST. At their booth, Animal Crossing fans will have the opportunity to try the fi...[Read More]

Boston Mayor Wants Sony At Pax East 2020

There has been increasing tension around the world with the current spread of COVID-19, or more commonly known as the coronavirus.

Batterystaple Games Reveals New Game 30XX

Batterystaple Games reveals 30XX, a follow-up to its acclaimed, best-selling Megaroguelike 20XX. Set to unleash co-op platforming action for PC and console and in 2021, the new project will make its hands-on debut at PAX East 2020, from Feb. 27 until March 1, 2020.

PAX East Indie Megabooth Titles Announced

Two days ago on February 11th, 2020, Indie Megabooth announced their official line up for PAX East 2020. This year’s Indie Megabooth will be featuring 79 different titles. A Fold Apart, a previous Maroonersrock award winner, Ambition: A Minuet in Power,  & Garden Story are just a few of the titles that will be part of the Indie Mega Booth. Looking at the list of titles, anyone who enters...[Read More]

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