PAX East

Conarium Hands On at PAX East 2017

PAX East 2017 provided a lot of great chances to see upcoming games from many companies on the show floor. At one of my many appointments, I got to sit down and play the PC game Conarium from Iceberg Interactive. Conarium is a chilling Lovecraft-inspired game, which follows a story involving four scientists and their endeavor to challenge what we normally consider to be the ‘absolute’ limits of na...[Read More]

My Memory of Us Preview at PAX East 2017

During PAX East, I had the pleasure of sitting down with developers at the IMGN.PRO booth for a hands-on preview of the game My Memory of Us. Though the game is still in its early stages of development and has yet to be given a release date, I can confidently say that I have never been so deeply moved by a game so quickly.

The Town of Light PAX East Impressions

Back at PAX East, I sat down with Italian developers, LKA, to play The Town of Light. Originally released on PC, this story driven title is set to be released on PS4 and Xbox One later this year. After sitting down and discussing the game with 3D Artist, Lorenzo Conticelli, I hesitate to call this “survival horror.” Calling this horror, in my opinion, disrespects what LKA is setting out to do with...[Read More]

Guns of Icarus Alliance: PAX East 2017 Hands-On Preview

Top hats, steam-powered gadgetry, airships, and clockwork. Steampunk is pretty popular with modern storytelling. From Sherlock Holmes to Batman, stories have been told in this rich setting for a long time now. Guns of Icarus Online is a new form of the old trope, now joined with the soon to be minted Guns of Icarus: Alliance.

Quality Time with Square Enix at PAX East 2017

Ever since that faithful day in Elementary School, when my teacher gave us a glimpse of her obsession with a game called Final Fantasy VII, I’ve been a huge fan of Square Enix. I started with the PSOne classics, backtracking to the older releases and their remasters to the point that I quickly saw the series as a timeless collection. Before Final Fantasy X had launched, I was so well-versed ...[Read More]

Pato Box combines Punch Out with Mad World

While I was at PAX it was easy to get distracted due to the sheer amount of sensory overload. From the masses of people shuffling about in a current of sorts throughout the expo hall to the tall statues and displays that dominated the scene, there is just so much going on. While tracking down a particular booth, the crowd somehow coaxed me into a little corner of the show, where I saw a black and ...[Read More]

Monstercat throwing Monstercat AFK PAX East Pre-Party March 9th

Are you looking for a fun time at PAX East 2017? Of course everyone is and Monstercat is giving you the chance at an epic party going on. What is it you ask? It’s the Monstercat AFK PAX East Pre-Party, which is going on the day before PAX East. I know, I know! How do you gain access? That’s what you’re reading this page for!

PAX East 2017

Coverage of PAX East 2017 for everything gaming. With the new Nintendo Switch finally out, how will the event play out?

PAX East 2017 Party List

It’s that time again! Here’s our awesome list of PAX East 2017 Parties and events this week! As you can guess, this list will be ever-changing and we’ll do our best to keep it as up-to-date as possible. You’ll see our friends at SideQuesting doing the same on their own PAX East Party Page, and we want to give our thanks to the Facebook PAX East Parties group for keeping us ...[Read More]

Win Early Access to Shop Heroes on Steam

If you’re like me I’ve been playing a lot of Shop Heroes on my mobile phone and Facebook. Well starting this week you’ll be able to play the game on Steam and we’re here thanks to the company to grant some people access to the game. What do you need to do? Follow the steps below and when the giveaway ends on 8/14/2016 at 5pm EST you’ll be sent over a Steam code if you...[Read More]

PAX East 2016: Thumper Hands-On Preview

In the Indie Megabooth at PAX East this year, there were a ton of games. Only a few constantly had a crowd, and one of them just so happened to be one I had an appointment with. Say hello to Thumper, a rhythm-Hell game for Steam and PlayStation 4/ PlayStation VR. During my appointment, I had the opportunity to play through their demo, which I felt like took 20 minutes to go all the way through it,...[Read More]

Borderlands 3 is Coming Once Battleborn DLC is Finished (Updated)

Gearbox fans rejoice! Not only is Battleborn less than a month away, but Borderlands is getting another entry in the well-loved franchise. This will be the first time Gearbox themselves have worked in the Borderlands universe since the second game, meaning all qualms with the Pre-Sequel many hardcore fans had should be eradicated. Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford revealed this announcement during a pan...[Read More]

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