PAX South 2020

Hands-On with Ghostrunner from PAX South

Take one part Mirror’s Edge-style seamless first-person view parkour running. Add a dash of cyberpunk design – because it’s 2020, after all! Mix in some one-hit-kill sword-swinging action, and blend it all up with a bullet-time slow-mo sauce. What comes out is Ghostrunner, an absolutely fascinating experience that this writer was able to go hands-on with during PAX South this year.

PAX South 2020 Overall Wrap-Up

The annual opener to the PAX show season, PAX South started off 2020 by showcasing the theme for this year’s PAX merchandise, along with some game announcements, and a few significant layout changes.

3D Realms Announces Kingpin: Reloaded at PAX South 2020

From their PAX South booth this year, 3D Realms (Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, Ion Fury…) announced a new project for 2020: Kingpin: Reloaded, a remastered version of 1999’s Kingpin: Life of Crime. Arriving later in 2020 for Microsoft Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Sony PlayStation 4, and PCs, Kingpin: Reloaded updates the original Quake II engine with 4K resolution, ultrawide monitor support, controlle...[Read More]

Ghostrunner Adds Support From 3D Realms and Slipgate Ironworks

We may not have flying cars and replicants here in 2019 yet, but 2020 is looking like a great year for fans of Cyberpunk-style games. The future gets a little closer now with publisher All in! Games and One More Level (God’s Trigger) have announced a partnership with 3D Realms (Ion Maiden, Duke Nukem 3D) and Slipgate Ironworks (Rise of the Triad) to distribute upcoming first-person cyberpunk adven...[Read More]

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