Sega Brings Nine Games to PAX Prime 2012

Are you ready for PAX Prime 2012? I know we are! At least one or two Marooners’ Rock staff members will be attending and providing as much hands on preview coverage as they can so that, if you can’t be there, you can at least see what’s going on! Yesterday, SEGA let slip what they are planning on showing us at PAX, and it’s quite a list. There are some games that will trade...[Read More]

Review: Outland (XBLA)

I remember when Outland was announced at last year’s PAX. I instantly fell in love with both the visual feel of the game and the game’s expected polarity-platforming mechanics; I believe my exact phrasing was, “Unfortunately, Outland is not due out until next year, so I can’t make sweet, sweet gamer love to it quite yet.” Well, it is now the aforementioned “next year,...[Read More]

Games & Legal Problems

There has always been a direct link to legal issues when it comes to video games, but today, I have something a step away from the typical “violent video games lead to violent people.” You won’t believe what’s in store!

Preview: Outland

I was searching through our post archive and our tag database before starting this article looking for anything I could backlink to.  Specifically, I was looking for anything that mentioned Ikaruga.  Surprisingly, I found no previous mention of Ikaruga on our site whatsoever, which is a damn shame, as Ikaruga is a truly wonderful game.  Ikaruga!  I did manage to find a small mention for the XBLA S...[Read More]

And From The “Wait, What?” File…

I don’t even know what to make of this. Duke Nukem Forever. Shown at PAX. My brain just can’t comprehend this.

A World of Keflings Trailer Released!

Right now, I am seriously about to burst from excitement. You guys (and gals) have no idea how incredibly crazy I am about A Kingdom for Keflings, so it’s only natural that I am already gaga over A World of Keflings and I haven’t even played it yet. Minutes ago, this delicious little email from NinjaBee came in and the contents were GLORIOUS!

Going to PAX? Check out what Capcom will have on display!

The Penny Arcade Expo, PAX, is less than two days away, so brace yourselves for an onslaught of gaming news and goodness this weekend. Today Capcom sent out an email letting the press know the games that they would be showing, so that people could have hands-on time with them. This list goes like this:

Nintendo’s at PAX

At this years Penny Arcade Expo, Nintendo will showing off their newest lineup as well as rewarding Dragon Quest IX players. It’s everything you want to see and maybe a little bit more!

Guild Wars 2 Manifesto Trailer Released

Gearing up gamescom and PAX, NCsoft has released the most recent video for their upcoming fantasy MMO, Guild Wars 2. Give the title ‘Manifesto,’ it’s meant to reference a previous post by Mike O’Brien, President of ArenaNet.

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