Review: 4X4 Hummer (Steam)

4X4 Hummer by 1C, part of the Racing Megapack on Steam, is an off-road simulator that lets you drive a 4WD vehicle over terrain that would get you killed in real life! ^_^

Review: House, M.D. (PC)

I’m obsessed with House, MD. I truly am. That was probably evident back on August 13 when I told you all about House, MD by Legacy Interactive. That may have been even more evident on September 7 when I reviewed a second flash mini-game! Well, if you didn’t catch those two, now you can catch my review of the full game!

Get Early Access to Duke Nukem Forever Demo

Duke Nukem Forever is a game that, well, it felt like it would never come out. Earlier this year it was confirmed that the first sign of the Apocalypse has occurred, and that Forever would be released in 2011. For those who can’t wait at getting their hands on a game that’s taken over a decade to be released, check this out.

Important DC Universe Online News!

You can ask anybody – I’m abnormally obsessed with Harley Quinn, so it’s no surprise that I’ve been writing about DC Universe Online like a mad woman. Well, today, I have both upsetting and joyful news for fans.

Fallout: New Vegas Collector’s Edition

I love getting bonus stuff. I’m sure you do, too. I love Fallout. You should, too. And even more, I love Collector’s Editions of great games, because it usually comes with great extra stuff. Fallout: New Vegas is no exception!

Surprise, Surprise! Call of Duty Gets Zombies!

Personally, I loved Nazi Zombies in Call of Duty: World of War. To be honest, I hated the single player and multiplayer aspects of the game, and the only reason I bought it was to play co-op and kill zombies. I’m what they call, a Treyarch hater. But, they made me happy with the use of the word “zombies” in their latest press release!

Prepare 4 The Sacrifice In Left 4 Dead

You see what I did with that 4 in the title? Yeah Valve, I can be clever with words that sound like numbers too.

New DC Universe Screenshots

Lindsey was on her game when she announced a trailer for DC Universe Online, a new MMO with a set release date of November 2. Well, now we have some great screenshots, too! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

A Sit Down With Zombie Cow Studios

Zombie Cow Studios is the company behind Privates, a game that definitely caught my attention. I reviewed it last week, and I’m pleased to have had the opportunity to ask one of its founders, Dan, some questions. So, check out our conversation …

New Dash Game Coming!

Well Friday sure is turning out to be an awesome day! Fans of the Dash series by PlayFirst will be thrilled to know that, next week, a new Dash game will be announced.

The Force Is With…Well, About A Million People

One week ago Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures launched. Within that time the family friendly free to play MMO based on Cartoon Network’s hit series has registered one million players.

Serious Sam’s Serious Steam Sale

Serious Sam HD: Gold Edition is out!! AND ON SALE!!!

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