
Batman: The Essential Stories

As we wrap up on Batman-month (which I hope is good enough to do again), I feel that it’s time we talk about the stories that are essential. Now, before I start rambling, I’m not talking about my favorites (although these are a chunk of my favorites), nor just when significant events happened (we’d be here all week going over all the significant events in Batman’s long hist...[Read More]

Batman: The Movies Overview

The sad fact is, DC comics has only one truly popular film character, and it’s Batman. This is not to say that recent efforts involving Superman or Green Lantern weren’t fun or enjoyable. It’s just that Batman consistently sets the bar high, despite a few stumbles. So let’s talk about the Batman films, not so much a review as just a “what worked and didn’t”...[Read More]

Review: The Batman vs. Dracula

Yes! Oh Heck Yes!

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