Pete Hines

Walmart Canada Potentially Leaks E3 2018 Titles

A Twitter user known by the handle of Wario64 discovered a massive update on Wal-Mart Canada’s website potentially leaking some massive video game franchises that could make an appearance E3 2018. E3 2018 is less than a month away so the titles that were listed on Walmart’s website could be possible, if not probable. Since the potential leak occurred, Pete Hines and Bethesda have comme...[Read More]

Pete Hines to Povide PAX Aus 2014 Opening Keynote

If you’re like me and have been a huge fan of Bethesda you may have heard of the name Pete Hines. Don’t know him? Well you should! He’s the Vice President of PR & Marketing at Bethesda Softworks.

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