If you are a fan of Old School gameplay, and are just as tired as I am over these over hyped, and often boring titles, you should listen up! One week from today (March 15th), NinjaBee and Bacon Wrapped Games will be releasing Cloning Clyde on Steam! Why should you care, you ask? Well, let me break it down for you.
About a week ago, I got one of Steam's announcements for a new puzzle-platformer, CreaVures, from Muse Games. As soon as I saw the first moments of the trailer, I knew I was going to buy this game! Imagine my surprise, when I received an email the next day, offering me a chance to review it! Sweeeeeeet!
Last week, I posted an event on our Steam Group requesting our followers to browse my ever expanding list of games, and name the next title up for review. I went to Random.org to select our winner this morning, and it chose Mr Krabs. His prize was a 10$ title of his choosing. His suggestion was Psychonauts.