PlayStation 3

Review: Alien Breed 3: Descent (PS3)

Alien Breed 3: Descent, the final chapter of the Alien Breed series, is a fitting end to the trilogy. Although it is a largely mediocre game, it may have something to offer you.

Let Catherine Seduce You

Well that sure was fast! Just yesterday Atlus confirmed that Catherine would be coming to the U.S. and now today we are given a ton of screenshots and a trailer that is more creepy than sexy.

Playstation Network Getting the Awesomely Named Slam Bolt Scrappers

Sony Online Entertainment and Fire Hose Games are putting out a puzzle/brawler/thing on the Playstation Network. It has brawling and robots. What else do you want?

Review: Trinity-Souls of Zill O’ll (PS3)

I have a rather odd analogy for you. Trinity is like that game you got for Christmas that you never asked for because who would ask for something like this. It’s the game that your grandma picked up for you because she looked at the box art or saw the title and thought whatever it is that grandma’s think that make them think such random buys is a good idea and so there you go, now you ...[Read More]

Atlus Confirms Catherine’s Coming to U.S.

It’s official: Catherine will be coming to U.S. consoles this summer. To the fans who have been following this game for months, this news comes as a bit of a shock since Atlus claimed not that long ago that they had no plans bringing the game to North American shores.

Trailer: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Late last year The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was announced at the Spike TV Video Game Awards, and since then it has undoubtedly become one of the most anticipated games of 2011. Its predecessor, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was widely praised for the story and the scale and beauty of the incredibly large and detailed game world it provided, and Skyrim looks like it’s going to retain the size...[Read More]

Robot Announces First Original Game, Action-Strategy “Orcs Must Die”

I like a good Tower Defense game; at least, I like it for about half an hour before I get bored sitting there just building structure after structure. If I wanted to do that, I’d have been an engineer. Why can’t I have it both ways, killing waves of baddies with my towers and killing waves of baddies with my BARE HANDS? Having just announced their first original game, the action-strate...[Read More]

The Dead Island Trailer is Very Popular

People like zombies. Who knew?

Review: Acceleration of Suguri X Edition (PSN)

Have you ever had a moment where you feel like you walked into something that already started, so you have no idea what is going on? And have you ever experienced something that is so surreal that you don’t care about what you don’t know, because it’s so fun? Welcome to Acceleration of Suguri X Edition!

Dead Island Has the Best Trailer Ever

No, there is no gameplay in this trailer. Doesn’t matter. Tell me, look me in the eyes and tell me that after watching this thing you don’t want to check this game out. You can’t. You’d be a liar if you did. And a jerk. Do you want to be a liar and a jerk?

Felicia Day Brightens Up Dragon Age

Felicia Day, aka the girl who is in every successful Internet video sensation ever, will be in yet another (hopefully) successful Internet video sensation. Bioware is making a Dragon Age web series and Day will be starring in it. As if we needed more proof that the people at Bioware have good taste.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is Out, DLC is on the Way

Happy MVC3 Day! You already don’t own all of MVC3. Capcom is gonna release some new costumes and stuff soon. That’s just terrific.

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