PlayStation 3

Review: Baseball Stars Professional (PSN)

Need to get your baseball fix this offseason?

Teaser: Anarchy Reigns

As we discussed yesterday, Platinum Games, developer of 2010’s Bayonetta and Vanquish, is working on a fifth game in their four-game publishing contract with publisher SEGA. Anarchy Reigns will be a third-person multi-player brawler coming to PS3 and Xbox 360 in Autumn of 2011.

Review: Fatal Fury (PSN)

Back in the 90’s, SNK came out with a little piece of awesome console called the Neo-Geo. One of the advantages the system had over the competition from Nintendo and Sega was that it was arcade quality. The Neo-Geo arcade units basically were big screens, cupboards and controls with one of these systems in side, allowing the cartridges to be swapped out for different games. And every game yo...[Read More]

Review: Two Worlds II (X360)

Developed by Reality Pump (TopWare Interactive), and released by publisher SouthPeak Games, Two Worlds II is a direct sequel to, you guessed it, the 2007 game, Two Worlds. Before reviewing Two Worlds II, however, I feel that something needs to be made clear; the most I played of the first Two Worlds game was the downloadable demo. This will be important later on.

Platinum and SEGA Announce Anarchy Reigns

In mid-December we heard rumors that a potential fifth team-up between developer Platinum Games (Vanquish and Bayonetta) and publisher SEGA could occur this year. This morning, those rumors were solidified into fact, as the fifth game in the four-game publishing contract between Platinum Games and SEGA was announced: Anarchy Reigns.

Modern Combat Domination – War Veteran Trophy

This MOVE supported first-person shooter is actually better than it looks and better than many may expect at the low price-point it holds. Check out the following video of the War Veteran trophy and see what life is like for soldiers in the new PSN title.

Ghostbusters Get Slimed On March 23

Atari has tweeted… should that be capitalized? Is tweet a thing to be capitalized? Oh, I don’t care. Anyways, Atari says that Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime will be released on March 23 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Review: Alpha Mission II (PSN)

Flying and shooting and dying.

Duke Nukem Forever Will Be Out On May 3

The headline says it all.

Review: Metal Slug (PSN)

Walk right. Shoot everything.

Review: Little Big Planet 2 (PS3)

The release in 2008 of Media Molecule’s first Little Big Planet warmed the palette and broke the mould of PlayStation 3’s repertoire.

Now Even More DCU Online Servers

Apparently a lot of people really want to play this game. Sony just keeps having to make more room for them.

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