PlayStation 3

nail’d Details Have Arrived!

nail’d is on it’s way to distribution, and while gamers everywhere wait patiently, we have the full achievement and trophy list, DLC  information and screenshots to share with you!

Gameplay Video – Call of Duty: Black Ops Castro’s Assassination Has Failed (Spoilers)

In this Call of Duty: Black Ops video, Mason awakes to some real bad news: his entire mission in Cuba was for nothing. Now he is in even more hot water than before.

Gameplay Video – Call of Duty: Black Ops Fly The S-71 Blackbird Spy Plane (Spoilers)

This Call of Duty: Black Ops video shows one of the fun, interactive cut scenes that, for me, made this game a lot more enjoyable.

App Store And PSN Are Infested With Worms

You love Worms. I love Worms. Everybody loves Worms! You want more Worms? Well there’s a Worms 2: Armageddon Battle Pack coming out. Isn’t that Wormderful!

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Release Date Announced and More!

Today, in a press release from Capcom, gamers across the world were given the news they’ve been desperately waiting to hear: the official release date for Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

Assassin’s Creed Is About To Ascend

We’re getting a lot of Assassin’s Creed lately. We’ve got the upcoming sequel Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood which introduces multiplayer to the series. We’ve got two comic book series, Assassin’s Creed: The Fall and Assassin’s Creed: Aquilus. Heck, we’ve even got a Facebook game, Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy. Now we’re getting a short...[Read More]

DDR’s New Track List!

Konami has announced some of the tracks that are going to be introduced to the hit franchise, Dance Dance Revolution! Check out the partial list here:

CoD: Black Ops – Fidel Is Going Down

Happy Friday everybody.  Here is yet another Call of Duty: Black Ops video for you all to enjoy:

DC Universe Online – Hands-on Impressions

Have I mentioned that I attended a press event at the DC Universe Online studio last week in Austin, TX? Well, I did, and part of that press event included almost two hours of hands-on game time on both PC and PS3. Jealous, much? Well, you should be. Long story short (if it’s not too late for that), the game is fantastic, and I can’t wait for the official release.

DC Universe Online – Game Physics

I know you were expecting the Hands-on Impressions today, but I’ve ret-conned the site, and so today we take a look at the physics of the DC Universe Online world. As this is a video game based on comic books, one can hardly expect the physics to conform to real-world standards, so we’re in store for a lot of fun. Once Chris and Jens finished up their world tour, Wes Yanagi took over (...[Read More]

DC Universe Online – World Tour

Today’s article focuses on the DC Universe Online…universe. Shortly after Character Creation, Chris Cao and Jens Andersen gave us an in-game aerial tour of the DC Universe Online world, highlighting both of the main world locations (Gotham and Metropolis), as well as the headquarters (Watchtower and Hall of Doom), Arkham Asylum, Khandaq, the Batcave, the moon, and more. The scale of th...[Read More]

CoD: Black Ops – Zombies First Solo Gameplay

Finally, what you’ve all been waiting to see:

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