Walk right. Kill things. A simple philosophy.
Yes, I said everything. We’ve got screenshots and trailers just for you! Why spend your Saturday being lazy when you could feast your eyes upon some MvC3 goodies! Well, here’s everything we have for Marvel vs. Capcom 3!
We here at World of Meh would like to keep you up to date. So, here’s a list of the games reportedly being release October 10 – 16.
I’m on DC Universe Online like white on rice! Check out new screenshots and a brand new video from Sony Online Entertainment!
When I saw the press release this morning, my heart almost stopped. Now, I’m not a fan of racing games but I AM a huge fan of cars. If you’re a fan of either, you need to check this out!
Comic books and video games. There is no greater combination. So, when you take an American icon like Captain America and throw him into a third person shooter, well, you know it’s going to rock!
I’ve been looking at this game for a while now, and I’ll be honest – I’ve been slacking when it comes to sharing with everyone! So, here is everything you need to stay up to date with the upcoming FPS, Nexuiz!
Duke Nukem Forever is a game that, well, it felt like it would never come out. Earlier this year it was confirmed that the first sign of the Apocalypse has occurred, and that Forever would be released in 2011. For those who can’t wait at getting their hands on a game that’s taken over a decade to be released, check this out.
You can ask anybody – I’m abnormally obsessed with Harley Quinn, so it’s no surprise that I’ve been writing about DC Universe Online like a mad woman. Well, today, I have both upsetting and joyful news for fans.
So how do you make competitive multiplayer terrifying? Kind of like this.
I love getting bonus stuff. I’m sure you do, too. I love Fallout. You should, too. And even more, I love Collector’s Editions of great games, because it usually comes with great extra stuff. Fallout: New Vegas is no exception!