PlayStation 3

Warner Bros. Wants You to Suck on a Lollipop Chainsaw

Guess who is bringing Suda 51’s latest insanity to the west? Why yes, it is Warner Bros. I see you can read headlines.

Bankai, Quincy and Hollows: A Primer for Bleach

Tite Kubo’s Bleach is one of the most popular anime in the world right now. And as it’s an urban fantasy/action adventure, it has a lot of terms and ideas that can be confusing for new people. Since a lot of you may not be up to date on the anime, and with the game coming out in just over a week, here’s your chance to learn about a ton of things that pertain to this universe.

Review: Limbo (PSN)

There are times when you can sum up a game in one sentence. This is one of those times. If there is one thing to be said about Limbo, it is this. This game is art.

Assassin’s Creed: Embers, Another Peek into Ezio’s Life

With less than 4 months until we see the end of Ezio Auditore, today Ubisoft released the trailer for Assassin’s Creed: Embers, an animated short film to accompany copies of Assassin’s Creed: Revelations. While the trailer is a bit of a downer, it does answer some questions that I’ve had for a few months.

One, Two, Freddy’s Coming For Liu

Freddy Krueger in Mortal Kombat? Why, that just makes so much damn sense!

James Bond Gets Re-Reloaded in GoldenEye

GoldenEye is one of the best games of all time. This status really isn’t in dispute anymore, seeing as it’s been remade and now re-remade. You’ve gotta figure that somebody out there must really want more versions of this specific game. Well, they’ve got it. The remake of GoldenEye is coming to the big high def consoles and we have some screen shots, along with a trailer, d...[Read More]

House of the Dead: Overkill Trailer Redefines Not Safe For Work

Zombie babies. There is more to see in this trailer than just zombie babies. However, I feel that zombie babies are the highlight of this thing. You may too.

Review: Freedom i-Connex Bluetooth Keyboard

Mobile technology is an incredible thing. When I went to E3, the only things I put in my messenger bag for appointments and the floor was a composition book and my iPhone (and other basic necessities, like energy bars, water, a charging cable, etc.). Almost all of my photos and videos were taken using my iPhone, but I still had to take most of my notes in the composition book. While the iPhoneR...[Read More]

Bleach is Coming to Your PS3!

Brace yourselves anime fans, for Tite Kubo’s Bleach is coming to the PS3 with Bleach: Soul Resurreccion.

Review: Alice: Madness Returns (PS3)

Back at the turn of the century, a little PC game by American McGee was released, creating a follow up story to Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland in gruesome fashion. It turned a classic tale of wonder into a cornucopia of nightmare visions. The game developed an incredible cult following, and now, 11 years out, we finally get a sequel. Alice: Madness Returns is a perfect example of how di...[Read More]

E3 2011: X-Men Destiny

I’m going to go a bit hipster on you right now. Before it was mainstream and popular, I read comics. Before it was mainstream and popular, I ran around on the playground pretending Rogue was my girlfriend and adamantium claws were popping out of my fists. Before it was mainstream and popular, I was collecting and trading Fleer Ultra cards with my like-minded friends. I am a X-Nerd, and I can...[Read More]

Review: Lucha Fury (XBLA)

Lucha Fury is a good-looking game, and you can tell that Punchers Impact treated the game as a labor of love. Four luchador wrestlers (who are also slackers) come together to stop a shortage of their favorite energy drink only to stumble upon something more sinister; this is no normal shortage. Ancient Gods are stealing the world’s supply of Pollojo, because they don’t think the human race deserve...[Read More]

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