PlayStation 3

Review: Akimi Village (PSN)

For several months PS3 owners have been most jealous of their 360 counterparts as they’ve been the recipients of all the NinjaBee goodness. Fortunately for the Sony lovers, NinjaBee heard their cries and recently released Akimi Village. As a game that I like to call Keflings version 1.5, how does it hold up to previous offerings?

Review: Magic: The Gathering 2012 (PSN)

To summarize in one paragraph: playing Magic on a video game console against the computer is akin to playing against the biggest jerk you associate with.

Review: Roxio Game Capture Device

Everyone likes to brag about their gaming achievements. Everyone loves to tell Falstaff tales about how they took out four Borgia guards single-handedly using only their double hidden blades in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. Everyone loves to tell big fish stories about a great racing win in SEGA Rally Online Arcade. Everyone loves to recount their legendary musical shooter performance in Ch...[Read More]

E3 2011: Nyko

In addition to all of the crazy games debuted at E3, gaming accessories are a must-see. From the larger, well-known companies to the smaller ones ready to make a big splash, you never know what surprises are in store. I was thrilled when I had to chance to book an appointment with Nyko, as I absolutely love the Charge Station for our 360 controllers, and was excited to see what goodies they had to...[Read More]

E3 2011: Captain America: Super Soldier

Superhero video games do not exactly have a reputation for excellence. For every X-Men Arcade, there are two Superman 64s. When you get into superhero video games that are released as tie-ins to superhero movies, it gets even worse. For every Spider-Man 2, there are five games like…well…Spider-Man 3. So while I await the release of any superhero game with great anticipation, due to the...[Read More]

Review: Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters (PS3)

This time, we have the game tie-in to the Green Lantern movie starring Ryan Reynolds. But can I believe it? It’s fun?!

E3 2011: SSX

The biggest fear I had walking into E3 was seeing SSX going the way of many sitcoms…serious. SSX has always bordered on the line of parody as far as sports games go: vibrant characters with their own definable styles, mountains had their own flavor, and the tricks that made the game what it is are still burned into my brain. But after seeing the pre-E3 teaser trailer it began to seem as though we ...[Read More]

E3 2011: Binary Domain

When I first saw the trailer for Binary Domain a month or two ago, I thought to myself, “Hm. Did they just try to take Vanquish and make it a slower squad based shooter?” Now, Vanquish was one of my favorite games out of 2010, so this wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing; just an unoriginal thing. Luckily, from what I saw at E3, this is going to be something very different.

E3 2011: Prototype 2

I never played Prototype. Even though Prototype had the look of a great open world, high power game, and it’s something I definitely should have been interested in, it just never seemed to grab my attention in an, “Oh man, I have to go play this game right NOW.” kind of way. Now, with what we saw of Prototype 2 at E3, I’m in.

E3 2011: Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure

Every now and then a game comes along that, while designed and marketed for a younger market, captures my interest and imagination in a uniquely satisfying way. No, I’m not talking about Barbie Horse Adventures. I’m talking about one of Activision’s E3 offerings, Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure.

E3 2011: Prey 2

Prey 2 is not Prey. It became clear at the Bethesda E3 Prey 2 screening that the portal and gravity mechanics that made up most of the core gameplay of Prey were not returning for the sequel. Instead, we’re given an open world, mission based sandbox shooter. In this spiritual sequel, you are no longer the hunted, like you were in Prey. Prey 2 presents a more empowered character, putting you ...[Read More]

E3 2011: Anarchy Reigns

I’ve been geeking out about Anarchy Reigns since January. January is, coincidentally, when the fifth Platinum Games title was announced. So far, everything that’s come out of Platinum Games has been pure gold…or platinum (hurr hurr hurr). After what we saw at E3, does Anarchy Reigns live up to that Platinum legacy? Let me give you three words to answer that: MadWorld Spiritual Su...[Read More]

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