PlayStation 4

Massive Update for ARK: Survival Evolved Released

Today, Studio Wildcard has released the V258 Update for ARK: Survival Evolved. Not only does this update contain a gas-powered motorboat, a deadly Harpoon Gun, more explorer notes, and five new creatures, but it also contains…wait for it…AN INTERACTIVE TOILET. Yes, you read that right. By using this new state-of-the-art toilet technology, you will receive a “refreshing” buf...[Read More]

XSEED Announces Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash “No Shirt, No Shoes, All Service” Edition

Video game publisher XSEED Games, today announced plans to release a limited edition, called the “No Shirt, No Shoes, All Service” limited edition, for its upcoming summer-themed title, Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash.

Far Cry 5 Official Reveal Trailer and Release Date

Far Cry 5, after a week of teases and lead up, has been officially revealed. Not only that, we know that it will arrive on February 27th, 2018 (My Birthday!) on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Ubisoft Montreal will be leading development and will be in charge of creating the sinister Hope County, Montana.

Three Far Cry 5 Trailers Showcase Potential Allies

In addition to the Official Reveal Trailer and Launch Date for Far Cry 5, Ubisoft Montreal has provided us with our first glimpse of some potential allies for our yet unnamed protagonist. The first is Nick Rye; The second is Pastor Jerome Jeffries; Last, we have Mary May; Who are you looking forward to working with when you head to Hope County, Montana? Far Cry 5 releases on February 27th, 2018 fo...[Read More]

New Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Trailer Released

Final Fantasy XII, originally released on the PlayStation 2 in 2006, is returning to the PlayStation 4 as Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age on July 11th, and today, Square Enix has released a trailer that focuses on and explores FFXII’s Gambit System. For those unfamiliar, the Gambit System allows you to assign rules and if/then statements to your party members. You have the ability to tell B...[Read More]

Sonic Mania Release Date Potentially Revealed

According to the European Steam Pages of Sonic Mania, the release date of the upcoming return of everyone’s favorite blue hedgehog may very well be August 15th, 2017. Shown as at the end of a revised announcement trailer, the date now shows August 15th, 2017, as opposed to the original Summer 2017.

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun Headed to Consoles

Kalypso Media has announced that they will be publishing Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, a real-time tactics game from Daedalic Entertainment and Mimimi Productions, on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Originally released on Steam in 2016 to very positive reception, Shadow Tactics allows you to simultaneously control up to five characters in ancient Japan. Each of the five characters brings with ...[Read More]

New Cars 3: Driven to Win Gameplay Trailer Released

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has given us a deeper look into their upcoming title, Cars 3: Driven to Win. Obviously inspired by the Disney/Pixar upcoming film Cars 3, this title will put you behind the wheel of some of your favorite characters, including Lightning McQueen and Cruz Ramirez.

Neverwinter Gets a Console Update

A big update is coming to Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy on the Playstation 4 and Xbox One consoles!

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Full Reveal Trailer

UPDATE: Warner Bros. has released the full-length announce trailer for Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2! _ Previous Story Below: Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, TT Games, The LEGO Group and Marvel Entertainment have revealed their newest LEGO title, and it is none other than LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2. Billed as a sequel to LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, this will be an original adventure that...[Read More]

Persona 5 Vinyl Soundtracks are Coming

Press pause for just a moment folks! ATLUS is partnering up with iam8bit for a Persona 5 vinyl soundtrack release!

BioWare Explains Future Changes for Mass Effect Andromeda

In the two weeks since Mass Effect Andromeda launched officially to the world, the reception has been less than ideal for developer Bioware. Sitting at a 71 on Metacritic, it is by no means a bad game, but many claim it does not come close to the grandeur and legend that has become the original trilogy. The bright side of all of this? Bioware and EA have the means and resources to hopefully fix so...[Read More]

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