Today’s episode goes just a smidge over our general hour-ish limit, clocking in at about two hours. Ok, maybe more than just a smidge, but it was fun, and screw you for judging me. Episode 031, titled “Too Cool for E3,” covers a wide range of topics. Insert a clever segue here, leading into Dawnguard and its beta, Injustice: Gods Among Us, LEGO Lord of the Rings, Castlevania: Lor...[Read More]
With my step-daughter’s birthday last weekend being the extraordinarily exorbitant affair that it was, I was, in the simplest of terms…pooped. Therefore, there was no podcast episode last week. Problem? Tough. This week, “Old People Talking About Cartoons,” Episode 030 of Marooners’ Talk, starts off with a group of almost-30-somethings (the titular “Old People...[Read More]
I’m going to be punching bears left and right once Assassin’s Creed III comes out. I may spend an entire day just running around punching bears. In “One BILLION Dollars!,” Episode 029 of Marooners’ Talk, we discuss the Assassin’s Creed III gameplay trailer, the successful marketing efforts of the Assassin’s Creed III team in involving the community, the di...[Read More]
It may be pretty obvious from the title, but Episode 028 of Marooners’ Talk (“Avengers Assemble”) is all about the recent Dark Knight Rises trailer. That’s right, folks, an hour and a half of dissection and discussion on the trailer for the thrilling climax to Nolan’s Batman trilogy is yours, mere clicks away. Truth be told, while we did venture off into other Marvel ...[Read More]
If that episode title doesn’t grab your attention, then I don’t know what will. What’s that? I spelled his name wrong? No, we weren’t lucky enough to have Tom Clancy himself join in and discuss his creation. In “Thom Clancy Talks Ghost Recon,” the 27th episode of Marooners’ Talk, I, along with Thom Clancy, son of Tom Clancy, talk about our experiences with...[Read More]
In keeping with Ahmed’s run of Spidey Month pieces, Episode 026 of Marooners’ Talk, titled, “Spidey’s Turning 50,” focuses primarily on Spider-Man, with the occasional tangental comic character stealing focus for a few moments. We ran a little long, as we will often do when we get into our critical nerd modes, but managed to come to a close about ten minutes before we...[Read More]
As I mentioned in last week’s episode posting, our Episode 024 recording of Marooners’ Talk ended up running over two hours long. At a certain point, I decided to just call the second half of last week’s conversation Episode 025, titled, “The One Where We Complain About Shit.” Sitting here, a little over a week later, I can’t quite recall what we were complainin...[Read More]
Episode 024 of Marooners’ Talk, titled, “Everyone Dies,” ran extremely long. Instead of pushing out an episode clocking in at well over two hours, we spontaneously decided to simply title the second half of our conversation as Episode 025, which will be available for you next week. Episode 024 was originally intended to focus solely on the first book of George R.R. Martin’s...[Read More]
We should be back on our regular schedule of recording and publishing next week, with the podcast being available earlier in the day on Monday. This week’s episode of Marooners’ Talk, our 22nd, titled, “Oh, the horror!” jumps all over the place. We spend some time talking about the decline/demise of the survival horror genre, then transition into the apparent disappearance ...[Read More]
I know that most of you will see “IDDQD” as the title for Episode 021 of Marooners’ Talk and think, “Hey, this must be a great episode completely centered around DOOM and other games of its time and genre!” Yes, we do spend a few minutes on DOOM and the infinitely superior, yet unfortunately less successful Apogee title, Rise of the Triad. Seriously, Rise of the Triad...[Read More]
Marooners’ Rock has reached Episode 020, titled, “The Not Mass Effect Episode.” Despite its name, there is actually a great deal of Mass Effect discussion that takes place in this episode. That being said, there are also a great deal of spoilers for those who have not played Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, or Mass Effect 3. No content is held back, so if you haven’t had the cha...[Read More]