As soon as we came up with the podcast title for this week’s episode, I had a sudden urge for a sandwich. I could have asked my wife to make one for me, but I am particularly averse to getting slapped in the back of the head. “Stop Playing Tekken and Make Me A Sandwich” marks Episode 019 of Marooners’ Talk. We’re a day late because SOMEONE had to have a birthday yeste...[Read More]
You know, it’s been a pretty slow week. Nothing new has really happened, no big events or releases…not much to talk about, really. That brings us to Episode 18 of Marooners’ Talk. “Handhelds are dead, long live handhelds!”, as the title may suggest, is an hour long discussion of holding hands, the social stigma attached to holding hands, and our sincere and erstwhile ...[Read More]
This one’s a couple of days late, but I blame technology, the harsh, cruel mistress that deals us all a slap on the face at one point or another. Due to unavoidable circumstances, we were unable to record on Sunday for a Monday release. We did record Monday evening, but technology (the aforementioned harsh, cruel mistress) decided to lose our recording file. Today, we attempted to recreate o...[Read More]
We take a break this week from our normally scheduled video game discussion to focus on another topic near and dear to our hearts: comic books. Continuing our weekly production streak (three in a row makes it an official streak), episode 16 of Marooners’ Talk, titled “Avengers vs. X-Men and Other Comics Shit,” was originally intended to focus solely on the upcoming Marvel Comics ...[Read More]
I spent a good chunk of Friday evening and Saturday playing NeverDead. Sunday morning, I started working up plans with the missus to go play some mini-golf, because California is giving us t-shirt weather in February (suck it, places that have winter). Suddenly, I remember. “OH SHIT! PODCAST!” An email goes out to Adam, and we are shortly ready and prepared to knock out episode 15 of M...[Read More]
So another week, another episode! Looks like we’re making good on the weekly return so far. Today’s episode of Marooners’ Talk, titled “Something About Used Games and Online Passes,” spends a considerable amount of time talking about the backwards compatibility choices of the Xbox 360 in regard to one title in particular: Barbie Horse Adventures. Er…sorry, that ...[Read More]
We’re a few days shy of five months since our last episode went live. With my consistent co-host ABANDONING ME, the podcast entered a kind of de facto hiatus. Helping bring us back this week are Chris G and Vinny, who have a lot to say about Skyrim and Saints Row: The Third. Having said all that, I now present to you episode 12 of Marooners’ Talk, quite appropriately titled “This...[Read More]
This is our second attempt at Episode 011. The first attempt was recorded over a week ago, covering mainly post-E3 jibber-jabber. Unfortunately, due to technical issues (of a similar nature to the technical issues you will notice in this episode, but to a far higher level), our first recording of Episode 011 had to be scrapped. Now, Marooners’ Talk returns with a new Episode 011, titled R...[Read More]
Our tenth episode, titled “Pirates Say Arrrgh!”, marks our second recording with podcast superstars Thom Clancy and Vinny Luongo, with a first appearance from new friend Jack. We talk about E3 overall, with a bit of a focus on what we saw on Day 3.
“Dammit, Vinny!”, which is Episode 009 of Marooners’ Talk, was referenced as Episode 010 multiple times within the episode. Why did we reference it as 010? Well, because it has been almost three months since our last podcast, and I forgot we had only gone up to 008 in our numbering. So, you know…shut up. Anyway, “Dammit, Vinny!” features a couple of guests while...[Read More]
Marooners’ Talk soldiers on as we complete our eighth, that’s right EIGHTH episode, titled “Hack the planet!” We break the three-week Chris & Lindsey only streak with two of our writers: John, returning for his second podcast recording, and Adam, joining in on his first podcast recording. Together in a four-part harmony of excellence we tackle the issues that matter!