Pokémon X

Amazon Countdown to Black Friday Deals

Rockers, we are two weeks away from busiest shopping time of the year where millions of people around the world go out to shop for the best deals possible with the goal of providing an amazing Christmas experience for loved ones and themselves. As Black Friday draws closer, Amazon is looking to cash in by offering daily deals called Amazon Countdown to Black Friday. Here are the deals from 11/10, ...[Read More]

New Pokémon Teased for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y

It has been quite sometime since any new information about Pokémon X and Pokémon Y has been released, with the last bit of information being about Sylveon, which is the newest evolution of Eevee. Now I’m a huge Pokémon fan and really can’t wait to dig into both Pokémon X and Pokémon Y later this year. Who wouldn’t be looking forward to the titles? Well more announcements landed a...[Read More]

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