
New Bulletstorm Screenshots Released

Today has definitely been a busy day for video game fans, and it seems that the news is going to keep on coming. Four new Bulletstorm screenshots have been released, so, for those of you who are eagerly awaiting this sweet FPS from EA & Epic Games, hopefully this satiates you all until February 22nd, 2011.

It’s Official: Mass Effect 3 is Coming

Last month BioWare teased us all with a trailer saying that, during the 2010 Spike TV Video Game Awards, they would be announcing a new game. Many guesses were thrown around, and many pointed towards Mass Effect 3. I guessed wrong, but that is only because I haven’t played any of the games and actually am not a fan. Don’t judge me.

EA Announces SSX: Deadly Descents

Finally, the news all of you SSX fans have been waiting for: a new SSX is coming for Xbox 360 and PS3. The original came out a decade ago (time flies, I know), and thousands of gamers have been clamoring and wondering when their current-gen consoles would get some of the same snowboarding love.

Batman: Arkham City Teaser Trailer

After a lot of waiting and speculation, we finally have a teaser trailer for Batman: Arkham City.

Soap Opera Dash Coming Next Week

Over the course of many months, I think I’ve accurately portrayed how fond I am of the DASH series by PlayFirst. Well, today I am pleased as punch to say that next week, on the 14th, Soap Opera Dash will be released.

Survey Says! Family Feud Decades Now Available

I’ve been watching Family Feud for almost all of my life because I love game shows, and I love anything that allows me to feel intellectually superior. Looking back, I’ve played Family Feud games many times on various platforms: PC, iPhone, and more. Today, Ubisoft announced that their latest foray into game show gaming, Family Feud Decades for the Nintendo Wii, has officially hit stor...[Read More]

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 for Nintendo DS

Coming out in November, just in time for the movie, gamers can get their hands on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. It will be available for all major consoles, as well as the PC, but this preview will focus solely on the version that’s coming out for the Nintendo DS family of handhelds.

Get Your Tiki On in 3D

Coming soon to the iTunes App Store is Tiki Toss 3D by Mellow Militia. Having a very island vibe to it, Tiki Toss 3D looks to be a lot of fun.

PlayFirst Announces Cooking Dash 3: Thrills & Spills

Remember how I told you all last week that PlayFirst had something sneaky up their sleeve? Well today is the day where the goods are unveiled!

Oooh, Shiny! Check Out the New Xbox Dashboard!

Last week Xbox Live Gold Members were able to sign up to beta test the new dashboard that was slated to come out. I signed myself up hoping to share it with the site, and fortunately I was selected. Today I was prompted to update my console, and what you’re about to see is a video I recorded this evening showing you all the features.

New Dash Game Coming!

Well Friday sure is turning out to be an awesome day! Fans of the Dash series by PlayFirst will be thrilled to know that, next week, a new Dash game will be announced.

Wedding Dash 4-Ever Announced

Today, PlayFirst announced the next installment to their highly addictive DASH-franchise: Wedding Dash 4-Ever. This will be the fourth in the Wedding Dash series, and I can only imagine it will be just as, if not more, popular.

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