Prime Matter

System Shock & Mount and Blade II PAX West 2022 Previews

At PAX West, Killerkdemons met with Prime Matter, Taleworlds Entertainment, & Nightdive Studios to preview System Shock & Mount and Blade II. Alright, Rockers, this is going to be a two-for-one article. You are probably asking, “why are you covering two games in the same preview?” The easy answer is that these two games are from the same publisher. The less kind answer is that ...[Read More]

Gungrave G.O.R.E PAX West 2022 Preview

As the wise Youtube channel, TeamFourStar, once said, “Bitches love cannons.” For those who haven’t seen Hellsing Abridged, it is a joke, that a female vampire says when shooting a giant rifle. If you have not seen it and are curious, here is a link to two scenes with the reference. The reason why this reference is pertinent to our PAX West 2022 coverage of Gungrave G.O.R.E is du...[Read More]

ICYMI: Prime Matter announces Mato Anomalies, reveals first-look trailer

Prime Matter has unveiled a brand-new anime-inspired JRPG coming in 2023. Arriving next year is Mato Anomalies, a brand new turn-based JRPG that combines elements of the supernatural and the future to create a surreal mystery unlike any other. The trailer sees two distinct protagonists, each with a very particular set of skills. The steam page reveals players play as two different characters. Mato...[Read More]

Prime Matter Unveils Trailer for The Chant

The journey for the inner piece became a nightmare beyond imagination. Prime Matter and developer Brass Token unveiled a new trailer for the upcoming supernatural thriller, The Chant. This action-horror thriller puts players into the role of a young woman, looking to restore balance to her life, only to conjure a monstrous nightmare beyond imagination that threatens herself and the real world.

The Last Oricru Hands-on Preview PAX East 2022

When a genre breaks ground and plants its feet firmly on the foundation, others will follow in its footsteps. Ever since Demon Souls in 2009, the Souls genre has established a firm foothold and many have followed the path. The Surge introduced Souls-like mechanics in a specific world dominated by cybernetics and sweatsuits. Hell point put players on the fringes of the universe to fight demons, not...[Read More]

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