Pro Evolution Soccer 2013

Story Contest: Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 (PS3)

It’s been a while since our last run of contests, but worry not, for we have returned with precious goods! The latest in Konami’s line of technical football simulations, Pro Evolution Soccer, is available here on the Playstation 3 platform. We have two copies available. We’re going to be doing things with a slight twist, this time, as we’re allowing the tweet entry to be pe...[Read More]

E3 2012: Pro Evolution Soccer 2013

Last year’s Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 was a strong effort on Konami’s part, but fell just short of its perennial competitor, FIFA, in terms of polish and gameplay. With Pro Evolution Soccer 2013, Konami seems to be making a determined effort to close the gap and match, if not overtake, the monster in its closet. Their E3 2012 showing for Pro Evolution Soccer 2013, due this fall, has re...[Read More]

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