Rayman Legends Online Challenges App Free on Nintendo eShop

Rayman Legends has an interesting story indeed. It stars Rayman, of course, with Globox, and the Teensies. In this game Rayman and company get sucked into a painting they’ve been staring at. A crazy adventure ensues as they traverse the different worlds in each of the paintings.

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Game and Soundtrack Coming Soon!

Are you a fan of games that bring back many good old memories? Do you pride yourself on being good with movie quotes? Then the next game you should be looking forward to is Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. You do not need Far Cry 3 to play; in fact the two games have little to no crossover in the storylines.

New Anime Coming To Neon Alley

You may have heard about  the 24 hour anime channel “Neon Alley”, now available on gaming consoles. For those who have not, it is an app that you can download for the Xbox 360 and PS3. It is available at $6.99 a month, and for a limited time they are offering a one week free trial. On Neon Alley you get to watch anime any time of the day and its is in English Dub! On the 16th of April,...[Read More]

Vampire Talents for Dark and Pre-Order Bonuses!

Do you like games about stealth? What about vampires? Then you will be looking forward to “Dark”. The games  is due to release this summer by Kalypso Media. Also, those who pre-order Dark will get three digital bonuses; 1) a strategy guide, 2) the main theme song, plus a remix, and 3) digital wallpapers and digital poster to download and print! A picture of the pre-order bonuses can be...[Read More]

New Trailer for Dark Shows Off Special Powers

Do you enjoy games that allow you to sneak around and kill the AI? Who hasn’t played a game that allows you to do just that! During GDC Kalypso Media is proud to release yet another trailer for the upcoming game they’re publishing. This is a new trailer for the upcoming game Dark and will show off some powers that can be used within the game. What is Dark? Well I’ll let the new t...[Read More]

Catch Up on the Bioshock Infinite Trailers

Have you been looking to watch the trailers that have come out for Bioshock Infinite? Well with the release being only next week we here at Marooners’ Rock have created this page so you the viewer can check each trailer out to get yourself ready for the launch of Bioshock Infinite. You’ll find the game in stores March 26th, 2013.

Konami Announces More DLC For Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

If you’re a proud owner of the game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance we have some news for you. Today Konami has announced DLC packs for the game. The first we already know about since it’s the VR Mission DLC for PS3. What is the rest? Good question!

Take a Look Into Trion World’s Upcoming Game Defiance

Have you heard of games such as Rift and End of Nations for PC? Who hasn’t! Well the company known as Trion Worlds created them but they do have something awesome coming to everyone for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. What is it you ask? It’s called Defiance and it’s going to be quite a hit from the looks of it. Ever since its announcement it has been very interesting to learn mo...[Read More]

Fear the Enemies in the New Dead Space 3 Trailer

With Dead Space 3 getting closer to release day I’ve been working on beating both Dead Space and Dead Space 2. Who wouldn’t want to be refreshed and  hyped up about Dead Space 3? EA has released a new trailer for your viewing. Do you have what it takes to play this game solo or with a friend? Well here is what you may be seeing in the coming days when Dead Space 3 is released.

Rage DLC Info Comes Out

It has been a while since we heard about anything new coming to RAGE. Personally I enjoyed playing the hell out of the game, but it hasn’t had a lot of attention lately. It seems to that news a few months ago about new DLC is true and some information has surfaced. What information do you ask? Well, PS3Trophies has published 10 new trophies/achievements for the game that seems to be part of ...[Read More]

Review: Legasista (PSN)

No company fills a niche market like NIS. Every esoteric taste is catered to and satisfied, and the PSN release of Legasista is no different. From the art style, to the over-wrought and cliché-filled dialogue, to the wonderfully androgynous characters, Legasista is not a game with broad appeal, but for those that crave it, celebration is in order.

Mugen Souls Release Date Pushed to October

I’m a huge fan of NIS America’s titles, and I own quite a few of them. I love the cuteness and entertainment that their games provide. Unfortunately, they’ve got some bad news to break. Mugen Souls, an upcoming NIS America title, is being delayed in North America. The EU release date will remain the same, but for those of us here in the States, Mugen Souls will now be available o...[Read More]

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