Did You Miss Valkyria Chronicles Last Time Around? Time To Catch Up!

One of PS3’s most incredible and underrated games is FINALLY getting the attention it deserves with the release of Valkyria Chronicles Remastered. Hitting on May 17, 2016 on the PS4, the remastered game will allow you to relieve the beautifully crafted battles and dive back into the powerful and memorable stories in recent years.

McDROID Lands On Consoles

A couple years ago, a cute little robot landed on Steam and won over a lot of hearts, 82% of the reviews to be more precise. Fast forward to current day, and now us console dwellers can experience the little guy ourselves.


Firewatch is a first person adventure video game developed by Campo Santo and published by Panic.

PlayStation 4’s 3.50 Update Detailed – Beta Begins March 2nd

While we don’t have a firm release date for the next update to the PlayStation 4, we now know many of the key features that will be a part of Update 3.50. Also, if you were lucky enough to be selected to be a part of the Beta Program, you will be able to access this new update, codenamed Musashi, starting tomorrow.

Street Fighter V Review

The evolution of a popular series has to be on the right track. Otherwise, the whole thing can derail in a hurry and scuttle away any momentum that it’s managed to build up. Case in point: Battlefield 4 arrived like a shot a few years ago, but had monumental server problems, amongst other issues, that sent some folks running for Call of Duty.

Run The Gaunlet in World of Tanks Blitz IS-3 Defender Challenge to Strengthen Your Aresenal

Wargaming is challenging its World of Tanks players to an intensive multi-level mission for an awesome reward. Starting February 23, tankers can take on an eight-part mission to win the extraordinary IS-3 Defender. What makes this vehicle special is that it has an autoloader. Any player that manages to get this vehicle will wreck shop and annihilate their enemies. This monster of a tank will only ...[Read More]

DiRT Rally Developer Diary Takes Players on a Ride to the Game’s Release on Consoles

Codemasters and Deepsilver have released a developer dairy for DiRT Rally. Fans can see the team discuss key features that will make the game successful and talk about its release on both the Playstation 4 and Xbox One on April.

The BioShock Collection Rated for PS4 and Xbox One

I got my very first Xbox 360 later than most people I knew. I got it August of 2007. The game I got for it? BioShock; and what a game. Since it was my first trip into the new generation, I was overwhelmed by not only how phenomenal the voice acting and story were, but the graphics were game changing. The airplane scene in the beginning after the crash made me hold my breath. It was amazing, and no...[Read More]

The Witness Review

Remember Myst? Of course you do – a cryptic puzzle game with a unique story lying underneath a series of frustrating (yet memorable) mind-bogglers. That game continues to be etched in gaming history, despite its simplistic design.

The Witness

Explore an open world island filled with natural and man-made structures. Progress with a multitude of puzzles that will keep you challenged for hours and hours.

Megadimension Neptunia VII Review

Full disclosure: I’ve never played the Hyperdimension Neptune series before this entry. While I do enjoy JRPGs and anime, everything about this particular series kept me from trying it. I’m not a fan of the moe art style, nor the idea of human personifications of video game consoles. Having played this one, I feel like I owe the series an apology.

Sword Art Online: Lost Song Review

If you enjoyed the popular Sword Art Online anime and are looking to jump headfirst into any SAO related media in hopes that it will tide you over until the 3rd season is released, you’re in luck! The recently released PS3, PS Vita, and PS4 title Sword Art Online: Lost Song brings you right into the action with a new and reworked combat and movement system. While not very welcoming to players unfa...[Read More]

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