Tales of Zestiria follows Sorey, a young man blessed with powers by a mystical spirit race known as the Seraphim who act as a stabilizing force in the land, as he travels to free the land of Glenwood from the threat of the Hellion, creatures spawned by negative emotions.
There are a few categories an RPG can fall into; hundred plus hour epics, slapped together monstrosities lasting 20 hours or so, and those small fill-in-the-gaps entries. Tales of Zestiria falls into that latter category. Final Fantasy it isn’t, but it’s a wonderful game to scratch that JRPG itch that many of us get periodically. The Tales series is a fixture in gaming at this point, spilling acro...[Read More]
Treyarch has been quite a power player when it comes to the Call of Duty series, starting with the underappreciated Call of Duty 3 and then moving into World At War almost effortlessly. However, it found its biggest peak with the Black Ops series, starting in the past with a stirring tale and eventually shifting into the future with Black Ops II, leading up to quite a satisfactory conclusion.
Howdy there, Rockers. Was last week a little too “poppy” for you? Well, great news. This week is nothing but Van Halen. After never being on Rock Band due to contracts with Activision, we will now have seven. Since one is on disc, and you can do math, that means this week we are getting six new songs! The full pack is $9.99, or you can purchase individual songs for $1.99. The full list...[Read More]
Or triple. Or 100s. However many times you want to do it determines that. Using the trusty furry companion, you can multiply almost any item in the game as much as you would like. This glitch is accessible early in the game. The video will go into greater details, but I will give you barebones. What you must do is drop the item and then send your dog to an area away from your immediate area. Then,...[Read More]
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Belowis a 2015 hack-and-slash game for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 consoles.
Last year, Hyrule Warriors for the Wii U proved that there’s still life to be found within the whole “Dynasty Warriors formula” thing. After all, Omega Force has been producing these games for years, with countless soldiers falling to your high and mighty warrior without breaking a sweat. The games got repetitive, sure – they still do to this day – but there’s a certain fla...[Read More]
NBA 2K16 is a basketball simulation video game developed by Visual Concepts and published by 2K Sports. It is the 17th installment in the NBA 2K franchise and the successor to NBA 2K15.
For years, NBA 2K has managed to dominate in the paint, starting its run on the Sega Dreamcast and, eventually, becoming a powerhouse sports franchise for 2K Sports. One would think that EA Sports would have the know-how to try and come up with a fierce competitor with its NBA Live brand – but, nope, NBA 2K16 makes NBA Live 16 look like a has-been.
Transformers: Devastation is an action hack and slash video game based on the Transformers franchise developed by PlatinumGames and published by Activision.
I’m going to make this real simple for everyone, if you grew up on the original Transformers from the 80’s then you need to play this game. It’s that simple. That’s not to say that there isn’t a lot to love for everyone else, because there is. The game is fun, colorful, and well written(in that 80’s throwback kind of way) and just plain enjoyable. It’s a b...[Read More]
The Disgaea series will finally make its current-gen debut with the addition of the PS4 exclusive Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance on October 6th in North America and October 9th in Europe. For those unfamiliar, Disgaea is a long-standing series of grid-based turn-based strategy RPGs developed by Nippon Ichi Software, and is most well known for its completely over-the-top tone and humor. As a long...[Read More]