You ready for some side scrollin’ and ship shootan’ and button mashin’? Yeah you are.
The demo for the hotly anticipated action shooter will be dropping near the end of the month.
So the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow ending. Confusing, right? It just came out of nowhere and then… ended. It raised more questions than it did provide satisfying answers. Well, now some of those questions are getting answered. Konami is releasing two DLC packs for Lords of Shadow that will serve as epilogues to the game.
You know what I didn’t expect to hear today? That Legacy of Kain series stars Kain and Raziel would be put into the newest Tomb Raider game, The Guardian of Light.
Worms, on the go? Now we're talking!
NeoGeo Heroes: Ultimate Shooting is now available for the PSP via the PlayStation Store.
Update: Shortly after this release schedule was announced, a Konami representative spoke out confirming an alternate schedule. The game will be released on PSN December 14th, and on XBLA December 15th. A few months ago I discussed the announcement of the classic X-Men arcade game coming to XBLA and PSN with considerable excitement and glee. I am afraid that, in that discussion, I did not make it v...[Read More]
Zoo Game’s indiePub division has released a trailer which showcases how feedback from the community helps a game progress from concept to launch.
This news has pressed all of my nostalgia buttons. That’s right. All of them.
Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down in front of my TV, curled up in a ball with my delicious Starbucks and kicking ass on Kick Ass. After several levels of gameplay, some curse words, and lots of dead enemies, I present to you: my thoughts on Kick Ass’ addition to the PlayStation Network!
Crescent Pale Mist is a new PlayStation downloadable game from Sony Online Entertainment and Rockin’ Android. It is a six-level, side-scrolling fighter/adventure game that has you face off against assassins, sorcerers and supernatural monsters while navigating the maze-like terrain. So, after playing all six levels, what did I think of the game?