Naughty Bear + Zombies = Left 4 Ted

That’s it. I’m officially declaring this the Decade of the Zombie. Naughty Bear is joining the “Hey, let’s have a zombie mode!” craze with their new downloadable content.

Spelunker HD on PSN

Generally, when I hear the word “Spelunker” I give an immature giggle. In fact, as I wrote “Spelunker” in the previous sentence (and in this sentence again), I giggled. Childishness aside, there is a reason I’m focusing on the word “Spelunker”, and that is the arrival of Spelunker HD on the PlayStation Network from Tozai Games. I remember discovering the o...[Read More]

Valkyria Chronicles II DLC!

Valkyria Chronicles II, a tactical roleplaying game about civil war. Sounds like that would be enough eh? Sega doesn’t seem to think so!

Look To PSN For A Lad Named Arc

Old school RPGs are awesome. They just are. If you have any doubt about this, any at all, just look to the PlayStation Network where Arc the Lad II and Arc Arena: Monster Tournament are about to be re-released.

App Store And PSN Are Infested With Worms

You love Worms. I love Worms. Everybody loves Worms! You want more Worms? Well there’s a Worms 2: Armageddon Battle Pack coming out. Isn’t that Wormderful!

Review: Knights in the Nightmare (PSP)

Atlus has a habit of trying something different, and Knights in the Nightmare is no exception!

Red Dead Redemption’s Undead Nightmare

Today Rockstar is releasing the Undead Nightmare pack. You can check previous updates HERE, HERE and OVER HERE … oh, and HERE! Then, take a look at some of the other screenshots along with the official launch trailer!

Dead Rising 2 Soldier of Fortune Theme Pack is Available Now

Now available is the latest theme pack for Capcom’s smash hit, Dead Rising 2.

Review: Swords & Soldiers (PS3)

Walk right. Kill things. A simple philosophy.

Arcade X-Men Coming to XBLA and PSN

I have some great memories of arcades. I remember this great arcade back at Crossroads or Quail Springs mall (I can’t remember which one now, this was over 15 years ago) in Oklahoma CityI remember when Luxor hotel and casino was first built out in Las Vegas, they opened up a fantastic two-level (or three-level, it’s been close to 15 years since this particular memory) arcade on the lob...[Read More]

Ninja Monkeys, Vikings and Zombie Aztecs? Oh my!

Where can you find crazy ninja monkeys, viking warriors and Aztec zombies? In the newly updated Swords & Soldiers, of course!

Greg Hastings Paintball Release!

One of the hottest and well know names in the paintball industry has released yet another game! So, let’s take a look at it!

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