We’ve mentioned Sonic the Hedgehog a few times in passing on this site. To be honest, he’s a touchy subject. On the one hand, when a Sonic the Hedgehog game is good, it can be one of the best games you will ever play. On the other hand, when a Sonic the Hedgehog game is bad, it makes you wish you were playing E.T. on the Atari 2600 instead (for you young whipper-snappers that aren...[Read More]
I know what you’re thinking… a game review for something on Facebook? YES! A game review for something on Facebook! Let me assure you, it will all make sense once you finish reading this review.
Today Capcom announced that, even though months have passed since the launch of Super Street Fighter IV, they will continue to roll out new alternate costumes for their fans, with some coming out as early as October 26th.
This is a perfect console port of the classic PC series.
About a month ago, I announced Red Dead Redemption was getting some downloadable content. Well, what kind of person would I be if I didn’t remind all you loyal fans that the Liars & Cheats DLC was released today!
Planet MiniGolf is experiencing an expansion with the release of “Stronghold Island” – the DLC available September 21!
I love screenshots because no matter how much hype a studio creates about their upcoming release, it’s the graphics that catch my eye! So, let’s take a look at some of the awesomeness that is going to be Faery: Legends of Avalon in November!
I just want to hug the crap out of him! And then kick the crap out of him…
PS3 owners may be late to the party with Castle Crashers, but it's definitely a party worth joining in on if you haven't.
I was searching through our post archive and our tag database before starting this article looking for anything I could backlink to. Specifically, I was looking for anything that mentioned Ikaruga. Surprisingly, I found no previous mention of Ikaruga on our site whatsoever, which is a damn shame, as Ikaruga is a truly wonderful game. Ikaruga! I did manage to find a small mention for the XBLA S...[Read More]
You can now catch the truly fun side-scrolling Castle Crashers on the PlayStation Network. On top of that already great news, there’s new content – which should make any fan smile!
It doesn't matter what you think of the books or the movie: this is a zany, fun 2D brawler.