Rayman Legends

Review: Rayman Legends (XBO)

Before Rayman Origins was released, it had been a long time since I had enjoyed, or been even remotely excited by, a Rayman game. As soon as I saw those opening trailers, though, I knew I was going to be hooked; and hooked I was. I ended up with the game on three different platforms (360, Vita, PC), simply because it was that good. Then, rumors started swirling about a sequel, with multiple fantas...[Read More]

Review: Rayman Legends (360)

Nearly two years ago, Ubisoft released what not only proved to be a return to critical acclaim for Rayman, but more importantly, they released one of the most beautiful, fluid, technically sound, and entertaining 2D platformers of this console generation, and of the genre as a whole. Playing Rayman Origins was like taking a draught from the fountain of youth; I was a child again, sitting in front ...[Read More]

Rayman Legends Online Challenges App Free on Nintendo eShop

Rayman Legends has an interesting story indeed. It stars Rayman, of course, with Globox, and the Teensies. In this game Rayman and company get sucked into a painting they’ve been staring at. A crazy adventure ensues as they traverse the different worlds in each of the paintings.

Rayman Legends Going Multi-Platform

Nintendo had been making an incredibly strong, and frustrating, case for me to purchase a Wii U. Rayman Origins was one of the best platformers of the entire console generation, so Ubisoft’s announcement of Rayman Legends as exclusive to the Wii U was all but the nail in my coffin. The nail in my coffin was the announcement of Bayonetta 2 as exclusive to the Wii U, with Bayonetta being one o...[Read More]

Giant Trailer Roundup

In the lead-up to Gamescom, and at Gamescom itself, trailers were being pumped out by the handful. Rather than put up a separate post for each trailer with a few sentences introducing it, I decided that this time, I’d just put all of the trailers up at once and save both me and you a shitload of time. Below, you will find trailers for Borderlands 2, Rayman Legends, Assassin’s Creed III...[Read More]

E3 2012: Ubisoft Supporting Wii U With 8 Titles Through First Half 2013

Ubisoft has easily been one of my favorite developers over the last couple of years. They have been consistently strong with their major releases, if you exclude their shovelware titles, and have shown fantastic support for new hardware launches. Their PS Vita launch support included some absolute hits, along with a dud or two. Regardless, Ubisoft committed to five launch titles for the PS Vita mo...[Read More]

E3 2012: Ubisoft Gives Me More Rayman with Rayman Legends

Last year’s Rayman Origins was one of the most surprising and refreshing titles I’ve played in a very, very long time. It was a perfect platformer; simultaneously the best platformer of its entire console generation and one of the best platformers of any console generation to date. Part of its success was its return to classic 2D platforming roots, but a larger part of its success, in ...[Read More]

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