
MehCast Update

We are very sorry that Episode 23 was put off last week!  Lindsey had a last minute work event to attend, and it just isn’t the same without both of us there.  It doesn’t feel right to us to do it alone.  Throw on a busy weekend with a new pet, and the show just got left behind.  Coming up this week (June 19th), we have our one year engagement anniversary on Friday, so we will not be b...[Read More]

MehCast Update!

Hello, World of Meh!  As has been mentioned on Twitter, Episode 10, and on the Episode 10 recap, Episode 11, originally scheduled for Friday, March 20, 2009, has been rescheduled to Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 2:00pm Pacific Standard Time (5:00pm Eastern Standard Time).  We don’t like to do this, but we had a scheduling conflict that could not be solved.  We will be out of town, and Lindsey wi...[Read More]

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