The year is 1997. It’s a dark time to be a frog. The traffic is relentless and there are crocodiles and sentient lawn mowers everywhere. One wrong move and I could become a chew toy. I make my way quickly across the road, weaving in and out of traffic. I finally make it across and try to make it across the water…only to jump at the wrong moment and dive into the calm stream, causing me...[Read More]
When the original Metroid first appeared on the Nintendo Entertainment System, few could have predicted not just the hit it’d become, but how it would influence the genre of action-adventure in gaming. I mean, here we had a game where you couldn’t finish in a single sitting, one that actually had you go LEFT as opposed to the somewhat typical right, and was a huge adventure where you c...[Read More]
It’s been a long time since my last retro review (I blame it on the flu). Of course, being sick has its benefits, as I get to have more time to look at classic games. Today’s entry is one such classic. It’s 1995, and it’s that time period where game companies could come up with many insane ideas for characters and it would work. I mean seriously, when was the last time you ...[Read More]
What happens with you take gorgeous graphics, minimalist design, a great story and mix it all together? Surprisingly, the greatest escort mission ever in gaming. ICO is the brainchild of gaming auteur Fumito Ueda, winner of three Game Developers Choice Awards after it came out in 2001. Let’s talk about why it deserves it.
Lots of things have happened since my last review. Relaunched site, Christmas, New Year’s. It can be a bit hectic. But we’re kicking off 2011 right, so let’s go with a bang! And I can’t think of a better bang than one of the best game series that seems to not be as well-known as it should. That’s right, I’m talking the Legacy of Kain!
Due to spending a sizable chunk of my days playing the new Sonic Colors for the pending review, I figured this week’s look-back should be of the Blue Blur and his first foray into the realm of 3D platforming. Let’s flashback to September 9, 1999. I just bought my new Sega Dreamcast (possibly the most underrated video game system ever created), and of course, picked up Sonic Adventure. ...[Read More]
The holidays are always an interesting time for people. You meet up with family, learn about different cultures and rituals, do an incredible amount of traveling, and of course, end up delayed in all your affairs (like writing a weekly review). But I’m abnormal from most of the people I know. I prefer Halloween to Christmas. While I love the feeling of goodwill and family that the latter bri...[Read More]
When the CD-ROM technology first appeared, game developers got all kinds of insane ideas. Due to the storage space it opened up, they figured that they could put all sorts of little movies on them. This is how Full Motion Video or FMV came into being on games. And Sega managed to utilize this technology, in combination with their hit 16 bit console the Genesis, to open up a new generation of gamin...[Read More]
The 90’s was an interesting time for comics. A lot of modern fans tend to act like it was the dark ages of comics, with variant covers, holofoil covers, massive storylines and changes that often get protested in ways long before the Internet became the primary way to vent our frustrations. Personally, looking at a lot of things that have happened in comics since then, the 90’s were not...[Read More]
Every gamer has one game in their memory. It’s a certain kind of game, one that the gamer in question both loves and hates. The hatred tends to stem from the insane difficulty the game has. For a lot of gamers, that game was Ninja Gaiden. But for those of us who played lots of games for the Sega Genesis, we had Chakan the Forever Man, a game so brutal that even the easy setting was hard. To ...[Read More]
Happy Halloween, and welcome to a new tradition here at World of Meh. I’ll be writing a weekly review, looking back at games from the past. And considering that I’ve been playing games from the NES days to now, that means I have a lot to write about. Yes, that includes last generation’s stock of PS2, Gamecube and XBOX. But since it’s Halloween, and with the upcoming release...[Read More]