
Turok Dinosaur Hunter (Switch) Review

Long before Goldeneye dominated our lives on the Nintendo 64, we had Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Acclaim and Iguana Entertainment’s surprisingly stacked first-person shooter. Featuring a massive open-world environment and lots of action to partake in, Turok was a game changer at the time. This excitement led into the following sequel Turok 2: Seeds of Evil. Past that though, Turok began to wear out it...[Read More]

Final Fantasy Games Hitting Switch with FFIX Out Now

Let me take you back to the end of the 90s for just a bit. TVs had yet to go flat in most rural households. DLC wasn’t a thing. Many of our favorite games came on a disc or several. Around this time I fell in love with the PlayStation and its collection of beautifully rendered cutscenes and long-form fantasy epics. I devoured everything that I could about Final Fantasy (which I hadn’t ...[Read More]

Look out Apex and Fortnite! Here comes. . . Tetris?

The latest Nintendo Direct has just wrapped up with some exciting announcements like Super Mario Maker 2, a remake of the Game Boy classic The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening, and a surprise drop of Final Fantasy IX, the objectively best game in the series. There was one announcement that had me rolling with laughter though, as it’s something that has been tossed around as a joke in m...[Read More]

The ’90s Were Weird – YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG Review (PC)

1999 was a weird year. Boy bands and Brittney Spears ruled the airwaves, the bubble was at peak inflation, the New England Patriots weren’t an unstoppable NFL juggernaut, and by the time the year was half over, people were getting seriously worried that January 1, 2000 would herald the end of the world thanks to a massive computer bug. Against this backdrop of global paranoi comes YIIK: A ...[Read More]

Garage: Bad Trip Released on Steam

Limber up your shotguns, tinyBuild has a new game out on Steam today. Welcome to Garage: Bad Trip – a bloody topdown shooter inspired by VHS era B-movies. You play as an ex drug dealer named Butch, who single-handedly slays hordes of living dead to save a girl.

“Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap” For Half-Off!

For those of you with a soft spot for retro games, you are in luck! The French video game company DotEmu has announced that they will be hosting a global half-off sale of their hit game Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap during this month! The schedule is as follows:

Yuppie Psycho – PAX East Preview and Writer’s Choice Winner

It’s a feeling almost everyone can relate to: walking for the first day of work at the first big job, and feeling woefully underqualified and underprepared. But what if you really were totally underqualified, and your job description turned out to be something straight out of an X-Files episode? Yuppie Psycho pitches that question, melding together a rich blend of office comedy, retro graphics, an...[Read More]

Phantom Dust Will Be Free Starting Tomorrow

For months, fans of the cult classic Phantom Dust have waited with bated breath, wondering whether or not the remastered version of Microsoft’s Phantom Dust was still in development or had been canceled. This fear was put to rest when Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, answered a fan’s question on Twitter regarding the progress of Phantom Dust; In his response, he stated that Phantom Dust was...[Read More]

Project Scorpio – Ultimate Way to Play 360 Games?

Even though Forza looks incredible on the Scorpio, there was one bit of additional news shared on Eurogamer that I found super interesting. Microsoft is making sure to let people know that this new unit will play everything that is currently playable on Xbox One. Yes, that includes the hundreds of Xbox 360 titles that are backwards compatible. This new machine could be the best way to enjoy those ...[Read More]

Yooka-Laylee (Xbox One) Review

In recent years there has been a wave of new games that are preying on the sense of nostalgia. 8-bit graphics, retro difficulty, throwbacks and references to your youth are plentiful. While the indie game scene has had some gems, there hasn’t been a game that truly captures the nostalgic feel of a bygone era. Yooka-Laylee seeks to find its place as the successor to those past games.

Backlog Burndown #009 – Holiday Hangover

Greetings Backloggers! I hope everyone had a good holiday season. My backlog may have taken a bit of a wrong turn thanks to the Steam Sale, but it’s a new year, and a new chance to get on track. I’m not much for official New Year’s Resolutions, since those are far too often derailed almost before they’re begun, but I do believe in building on success, or at the very least, working on improving whe...[Read More]

Backlog Burndown #6 – Victory Volvos?

Greetings Backloggers! A confession: I love free stuff. Free t-shirts? Got to get one. Free taco day? I’m there. Free donuts? I’m there a lot faster. Free games? Obviously. What, it’s not like I have a giant backlog or something.

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