WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Congratulations to the winners! Streets of Rage: @Navarin. Golden Axe: @hestar69. Monster World: @aznxchunky. Alex Kidd & Co.: @ninjarturtle. Thanks for playing, and good luck next time! Every day this week, leading up to this contest, we’ve had the opportunity to review each of the recently released SEGA Vintage Collections on XBLA. First, and my favorite, was the Str...[Read More]
Of the four SEGA Vintage Collection packages, the Alex Kidd & Co. package is the only one that contains non-related titles. The Streets of Rage collection consists of Streets of Rage, Streets of Rage 2, and Streets of Rage 3. The Golden Axe collection consists of Golden Axe, Golden Axe 2, and Golden Axe…3. The Monster World collection consists of Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Wonder Boy in...[Read More]