
Kingdom Hearts 3 Review – A Mess of Assorted Pieces

A scattered dream that’s like a far-off memory; a far-off memory that’s like a scattered dream. I want to line the pieces up, yours and mine.  The famous line from Kingdom Hearts 2 plays a more significant role in Kingdom Hearts 3 than the player originally suspects. Without diving too deep into any actual game spoilers, Kingdom Hearts 3 leaves players with more questions than they had...[Read More]

Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition Review

Back in 2008, the Xbox 360 wasn’t exactly a haven for RPG games – and it damn sure wasn’t flooded with JRPG games likely due to how badly the Xbox 360 sold in Japan. Because Microsoft’s Xbox 360 released before the PlayStation 3 did, Namco decided to bank on the popularity of the new console in the West and development started in 2005. Alongside other quality JRPG titles on...[Read More]

Hyper Jam Review

Often there are movies or video games that take on the cyberpunk aesthetic. Hyper Jam is one of those games and does so in an enjoyable and flashy manner. A free-for-all arena combat game, Hyper Jam packs excitement of finishing off foes with flashy weapons such as rocket and grenade launchers, a giant hammer, and a personal favorite of mine, a bow and arrow, while setting the arenas in visually c...[Read More]

Persona: Endless Night Collection Review

Persona: Endless Night Collection is a tremendous value at just under $100, consisting of three quality rhythm games, the new Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight and Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight plus the aforementioned Persona 4: Dancing All Night(remastered and released for the first time on PS4). If you’re a fan of the Persona series, you can continue your adventures with all your virtual f...[Read More]

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (Film Review)

Sony Pictures Animation takes an impressive stab at the webslinger, as directors Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman, along with screenwriter Phil Lord, tackle the legacy of Spider-Man in Into the Spider-Verse.

Fallout 76 is a Mess that I Enjoy for Specific Reasons

Despite the multitude of arguably offensive flaws, I am having a really good time with Fallout 76. Although, I must admit that I am a member of the game’s super specific target audience. Built on the framework established by Fallout 4, which was built on surprisingly old Creation Engine, Fallout 76 feels more like an ambitious mod or expansion than a new game. That aside, the setting of West Virgi...[Read More]

Darksiders III (Xbox One) Review

Falling back to the year 2012, I had my first hands-on with the Darksiders franchise via the game Darksiders II. My time with the second game had me hooked and finally realizing why I had friends telling me I should look into the game Darksiders. Soon as I had the chance I also decided to check out the first game of the franchise to brush up on the story. However, early in 2013 THQ filed for Chapt...[Read More]

Castlevania Requiem Review

It’s not exactly a secret that Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is widely regarded as one of (if not the) greatest Castlevania games of all time. Seeing that the current era has been desperately chomping at the bit for a new Castlevania, and Capcom has seen some pretty big success re-releasing Megaman and it seems only fitting that we’d finally start seeing some HD re-releases of the...[Read More]

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy – Xbox One Review

Throughout gaming’s history there always seemed to be a need for a “console mascot.” Sega had Sonic and Nintendo had Mario. As more consoles entered the market it became clear that not every console needed a mascot, but that didn’t stop marketers from trying. Now I’m not saying that Crash Bandicoot was touted to be the PlayStation mascot, but it kind of felt like he was the PlayStation mascot. Whi...[Read More]

Call Of Cthulhu Review

H.P. Lovecraft, author of a series of strange supernatural horror stories had no idea at the time that his works would go on to be as influential as they are. The truly is a unique set of tales as they create an entire Pantheon of horrific Gods who drive their worshippers insane with their mere presence. Their religious texts are bound in human skin, and they arrive on Earth from another plane of ...[Read More]

Review: Diablo III – The Eternal Collection for Nintendo Switch

There’s something magically captivating about Diablo. While it wasn’t the first dungeon crawler, isometric, action RPG, nor is this even in the first wave of releases of Diablo III, the idea of having a fully functional version of Diablo III with me at all times was one of the greatest announcements I’d heard all year. I’m not into Rockstar’s games, and other than the...[Read More]

Ghost Tappers Review

For sometime Erin and I have played a lot of mobile games. However, one game that we’ve put a bit of time with is Diviad Gmbh’s latest game Ghost Tappers. Some of you reading our review may know the games they’ve created called Ghost Trappers as well as Chronicles of Blood. Ghost Tappers happens to be the companies first mobile game, which is a nice start. During PAX East 2018, b...[Read More]

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