Back in 2016, Koei Tecmo released the first Attack on Titan video game adaptation, which was primarily based on the first season of the show. While it did receive some mixed reception, no one can deny Tecmo established a foundation with its addicting and brutal combat against the ever fierce Titans. Now with its sequel, Attack on Titan 2, the series seems to have found its footing, with a few trip...[Read More]
Past Cure is full of promise. With a premise of mystery and intrigue, and haunting visuals, it’s no fault of anyone who starts this game thinking they will be transported into an action-packed thriller. Sadly, Past Cure is marred with monotone voice acting, unfocused game design, and writing that tries too hard. There are loads of great ideas, but they don’t fit together in a way that is satisfyin...[Read More]
A good side-scrolling beat ‘em up is hard to come by these days. We were given Castle Crashers, Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game and Charlie Murder. Now in 2018, Fully Illustrated has given us Wulverblade, a self-described “…visceral, cinematic, side-scrolling beat-em-up.” Does this bloody, yet educational, side-scroller live up to its own hype? Or does it slip on its own bloody footprin...[Read More]
Confession time—I’m a huge fan of the Devilman franchise and its creator, Go Nagai. From his super robot creations like Mazinger Z, Grendizer and Getter Robo, to his comedy action heroine Cutie Honey, to even his goofy stuff like Kekko Kamen and Dororon Enma-kun, I’m hard-pressed to find more than a handful of entries I don’t enjoy. And the Devilman franchise is often considered ...[Read More]
Rockers! Almost eight months have passed since we first reviewed Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Episode 2 – Under Pressure. After a much-needed hiatus, it felt like enough time had passed in order to give an unbiased review of the last three episodes of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy a Telltale Series. At the end of Under Pressure, it appeared as though t...[Read More]
Assassin’s Creed Origins was without a doubt one of the most impressive open world titles of 2017, and my personal pick of Game of the Year. When it was announced there would be two DLC story expansions, it immediately peaked my interest. Even after spending 50 hours in the base game, I still wanted another excuse to jump back into Ancient Egypt. The first of these two expansions is The Hidden One...[Read More]
The Red Strings Club perfectly taps into the classic, underdog tales that permeated 80s cyberpunk literature. While the imagery in this game is less gritty than stories like “Johnny Mnemonic” or “El Pepenador,” it takes the same deep philosophical approach about the future of humanity that has always been cyberpunk’s trademark—and what a glorious tale the strings weave in this game. Its heart lies...[Read More]
As someone who grew up in Southern California, Disneyland was a regular thing for me. In fact, I worked at Disneyland for about 5 years. So, when the original Kinect: Disneyland Adventures was released, you can be sure it was a day-one purchase for me. I only played Kinect: Disneyland Adventures using the Kinect, so when I saw that the game was being overhauled and remastered with 4K HDR graphics ...[Read More]
Wow, 2017 was an amazing year for fighting games and the fighting game community (FGC). We saw Injustice 2, Tekken 7, and Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite launch. We were given updates to Killer Instinct and Street Fighter V. 2018 has just started and already Dragon Ball FighterZ (DBFZ) has landed onto consoles and PC with a power level that is over 9000!
The Lego games have seen so many licences in it’s history, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, and more. They even have crossed genres by introducing us to Lego Rock Band and the collectible Lego Dimensions. Titles are getting bigger and super-hero franchises are growing massive. The latest Lego Batman featured almost every character in the DC Universe. Lego took a different approach with...[Read More]
I’m not someone who spends a lot of money on furniture; garage sales and picking up my friends’ old couches when they get new ones is more my style. The only significant pieces of furniture I’ve actually purchased are my wife and I’s bed and my desk. Even then, we didn’t get too extravagant with it. So when I get asked to review a new chair and realize that the nearly ten year old hand-me-down cha...[Read More]