Bullet hell. Arcade shooters. Shoot-em-ups. All these mean one thing, lots of bullets and usually a high level of difficulty. I’ve always had a fondness for this genre, one with roots in the arcades, but I never was as skilled as some of my friends. Shoot-em-ups in particular I find endearing with their adorable style and crushing challenges. All these years of shmups though and there hasn’t been ...[Read More]
Wow, 2017 has already seen some amazing old-school platformers. Yooka-Laylee came out strong despite its faults, and just recently we were treated to the spectacle that is Super Mario Odyssey. While it’s no secret that indie developers and AAA studios alike are attempting comebacks with 3D platforming games, the current gaming market is becoming over saturated with shooters, racers, new consoles, ...[Read More]
Sonic returns to wage a war, but is it worth fighting for? When I was in middle school, back in the mid-90’s, I drew my own fan character for Sonic the Hedgehog. It was not a great drawing, and it basically was Sonic with his spikes replaced by Mickey Mouse ears, but I still remember that drawing fondly. I’m not the only Sonic fan to have done this. Sonic’s art style, both in the...[Read More]
I’ll be the first to admit that I had given up on the Assassin’s Creed series. The last game in the franchise that I actually purchased was Black Flag, which many fans will say is when the series peaked. Ubisoft then took a huge hit in credibility with Unity, which was an ambitious title, to say the least, but overall a complete mess of a game at launch. A year later we had Syndicate, which is act...[Read More]
Almost always, when a game comes out based on a movie it is typically built as a quick cash grab, a way for studios to make more money on the name than just the film. These deals have made some of the worst games in history, but Way Forward may have proved that they can take a flawed, poorly performing film and make it into a great game. Mummy Demastered is the game in question, one that takes the...[Read More]
My flight of four helicopters lifted off from the forward firebase almost simultaneously. Comprised of three heavily armed UH-1D Huey gunships and an OH-6A “Loach” scout, we set out across the rice paddies of a Vietnam map to rain down hatred and discontent upon our Russian equipped foes. With the signature Whup-whup-whup sound of the Huey’s rotors filling my headphones, it only lacked a bit of ap...[Read More]
The Switch is such a phenomenal platform for indie games right now. Over 7.63 million units have been reported to have been sold, making it one of the fastest growing consumer bases in the gaming world. This coming off the failure of the Wii U and the millions of Vita players that continues to show the viability of the handheld market, has created a perfect storm for Nintendo’s hybrid consol...[Read More]
It’s been three years since the events at Beacon Mental Hospital and Sebastian Castellanos still hasn’t fully recovered. Sebastian left the Krimson City Police Department and is haunted by the disappearance of his wife and the death of his daughter. So what happens when a former partner turned Mobius agent comes to Sebastian and tells him that his daughter is alive and trapped inside a simulation?...[Read More]
EMPYRE: Lords of the Sea Gates melds classic steampunk with a post-apocalyptic, turn-of-the-century New York City. Nearly destroyed by a massive flood in 1899, much of the city’s people have endured and thrived, transforming the once concrete jungle into a collection of city-states lined by canals and run by some notorious characters. Players will find themselves befriending mafia bosses and getti...[Read More]
Back on April 19th, 2016, Alex McCumbers reviewed Axiom Verge for Marooners’ Rock on the PlayStation Vita. In his review, he said; Axiom Verge is an interesting tribute to the classics of video games that will, without a doubt, stand among those greats as a classic itself. Alex, I couldn’t have said it better myself. Axiom Verge is an wonderful game that is at the same time a love lett...[Read More]
Nostalgia is everywhere you look today. From remakes to remasters to reunions, the past has made it to the present and is filling the void left when a certain piece of media’s credits finished rolling. Thimbleweed Park is an interesting take on nostalgia, because if you were to simply look at this point-and-click adventure game from Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert, you may think it was bro...[Read More]
Anyone that knows me knows that I have been all about Cuphead since its debut in 2014. I grew up watching Disney, Max Fleischer, Ub Iwerks, and more. If some of those names don’t ring a bell, that is okay. You don’t have to recognize those names to understand that Cuphead’s aesthetic borrows heavily from those creative geniuses and the cartoons of the 1930s.