Back when gaming was making its transition into 3D, one genre reigned supreme, the collectathon platformer. Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Ape Escape, and countless others. There was a joy and fascination in not just simply collecting all the things, but also the moment of “I can actually go here, that’s so cool!”. Eventually these types of games came less often. Which is a shame since these games...[Read More]
Ever since DC started making regularly released animated movies, there have been a few stories fans have hoped to see brought to life. The Judas Contract is one of these stories. Considered one of the pivotal Teen Titans stories that took the team from stories for a younger audience to a much more serious tone. Teen Titans: The Judas Contract after years of being added and taken off the release sc...[Read More]
Futurama really should have gotten more seasons. Even as the Simpsons train continues on with no end in sight, Futurama fans just count ourselves lucky that we got a few extra seasons courtesy of Comedy Central. Thus the announcement of a new Futurama game, one featuring much of the original voice cast and writes, came as a welcome surprise.
When you hear the words under pressure what do you think of? Do you think of someone or something that is struggling to make it by with the weight of the world on their shoulders, or do you think of the hit 1981 song ‘Under Pressure’ by Queen and David Bowie? If you think of either, you might be able to guess at the events that unfold during Episode 2 of Marvel’s Guardians of the...[Read More]
It’s very rare for a trilogy nowadays in just about any medium to come around and absolutely nail it from beginning to end. When the original Rise of the Planet of the Apes was announced, it was met with much skepticism as we all had that sour taste in our mouths from the Tim Burton remake. No one expected it to be such an excellent character driven film, and same goes for the superb 2nd entry, Da...[Read More]
Back in 2015, developer The Deep End Games started a Kickstarter for an indie project known as Perception with one of the mains selling points being that the team had members who originally worked on critically acclaimed games such as Dead Space and BioShock. Perception’s concept alone was enough to grab me once I saw the team behind it. Perception puts players in control of a blind woman, who mus...[Read More]
Let’s get this out of the way at the very start, Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas is very much inspired by the Legend of Zelda franchise. There is no hiding this fact, but this really isn’t a bad thing. Oceanhorn does enough to set it apart and earn its own identity, even if it isn’t a perfect ride. Through the nine or so hours it took me to complete Oceanhorn’s campaig...[Read More]
Carl Jung described a persona as “a kind of mask, designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others, and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual.” This idea from 1953 perfectly describes the themes at work in Atlus’ Persona 5 on the PS4 and PS3. For this review, I was asked to take my time, resulting in a wild ride into the strange world of Pers...[Read More]
I had made it to Sector 2 with seconds to spare, a wave of alien fighters hot on my tail. I’d lost my pursuers in the jump, but with failing life support and a hull damaged in more places than I cared to count, I was in serious need of repairs. A derelict shipwreck promised a chance for the materials I needed to fix my damaged ship, but that’s when a scavenger and two drone fighters ju...[Read More]
Horror games are all the rage. Whether its zombies, serial killers, the unexplained, or mystical, horror content will always be available as long as the public keeps buying it. It’s why we had to sit through seven SAW movies after all. Little Nightmares was sold to me on the basis that it preys on childhood fears. Maybe my childhood was different from an average kid, but I didn’t find anything abo...[Read More]
Nintendo has been criticized in the past about their reluctance to change. We’ve seen countless franchises stuck in similar designs, all for the sake of consistency and the rejection of trying something new. In contrast to this idea though, Nintendo has recently been putting out incredibly unique games, expanding their cast of colorful characters and creations. While we got the excellent Spl...[Read More]
We are living in an age where our current generation of video game consoles are seeing a great resurgence of classic titles. While some “remastered” versions of games are just PC ports of classic games, Voodoo Vince Remastered is a game whose development team took great care in ensuring that old fans and new players would have the best experience.