
Battlefield 1 Review

Talk about a turnaround. A few years ago, EA and DICE released Battlefield 4 to a highly-expecting public, and ended up getting on their sour side right away, between non-working multiplayer and a single player campaign that was so average, it made Call of Duty: Ghosts’ story look like Citizen Kane. We wish we were kidding.

Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Review

The original Pac-Man Championship Edition – and for that matter, the DX remix that followed soon thereafter – proved that you could teach an old dog new tricks. After all, many of us were so used to playing Pac-Man a certain way, and adding a competitive scoring angle would no doubt seem like the sort of thing to throw players for a loop. But, like Pac-Man Battle Royale in the arcades, it worked l...[Read More]

Logitech C922 Pro Webcam Review

When it came out in 2012, Logitech’s C920 webcam worked its magic on the market, gathering a number of fans that were looking to simplify their streaming game – even those that already had built-in webcams in their computer (like yours truly). But, of course, as time inevitably shows, there’s always room for a new model, and that’s where the newly released C922 comes into play.

Dynamite Nurse Review

3-5 player game Players ages 17+ Game Length 40-60 minutes Includes 214 cards, 30 Duty markers and a Rule Book From the creators of Barbarossa and El Alamein, Japanime Games presents Dynamite Nurse! This popular deck-builder card game will be released in English and French versions mid-2017 and is a fantastic addition to the deck-building genre. Dynamite Nurse immerses you in a unique fantasy worl...[Read More]

Yomawari: Night Alone Review

Horror is something that’s not easy to pull off in any medium. Lucky for gamers its a little easier in the world of video games, if not a spectacle with more parts to use. Putting the player in the role of the character involved in the scary situation can take something that’s fairly tame in a movie and make it absolutely horrifying in a game. It’s wild how that little bit of int...[Read More]

Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour Review

Anyone who grew up in the nineties has uttered the words “Hail to the king baby,” at one time or another. We grew up in an era where CD-roms were all the rage and you either were the kid with all the games, or you went to your friends house because they had all the games. My family was pretty late to the game getting a computer, but when we did, you can bet that I tried to get as many games as pos...[Read More]

FIFA 17 Review

EA Sports’ FIFA series isn’t necessarily something that needs to be “fixed.” That’s because, year in and year out, the publisher has done an outstanding job recapturing the nature of the worldwide sport, right down to the spot-on announcing, the smooth gameplay and, of course, the presentation to hook fans in the first place.

Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice Review

Over the past few years, Sonic the Hedgehog hasn’t had the greatest streak in video games. Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric was quite simply one of the worst games in the character’s history, and other games, like Sonic: Lost World, haven’t been able to effectively recapture the magic that he’s been known for in games like Sonic Generations and Sonic & All Stars Racing Transfo...[Read More]

Dragon Quest Builders Review

I’ll admit it – I’m just not a Minecraft fan. Not that I’m putting down those that spend hours at a time getting into the game – they certainly have a reason to enjoy it – but it just never “caught on” with me. I dunno if it was the blocky nature of the game or the idea that it takes so long to build an ideal utopia, it just never caught on.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Review

Society these days can be pretty much a mess. You’ve got people complaining that the Netflix series Luke Cage is “being too black” (despite its setting and comic roots – and the fact it’s awesome), and let’s not forget about would-be voters clawing away at the many flaws between Hillary Clinton and Donald (ick) Trump. But leave it to Eidos Montreal to weave these sort...[Read More]

Paper Mario: Color Splash Review

It’s hard to believe that, with all the years the franchise has been out, Paper Mario has never had any sort of high-definition treatment. It’s certainly a game that’s deserving of the format, with its colorful environments and its awe-inspiring visual style. But better late than never, as Intelligent Systems and Nintendo finally get to present it to the format with Paper Mario: ...[Read More]

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 Review

There was once a definitive “glory days” of action platformers, permeated with excellent games such as Rayman, Donkey Kong Country, and most certainly Megaman. Over the years, the FPS became king, washing away all major improvements to the genre as most big development teams pushed the envelope for graphics and explosions. Even now, the game industry is still leaning on the cinematic side of gamin...[Read More]

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