
Review: Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 (XBLA)

The Bionic Commando games have a very 80’s feel to them, whether you’re playing the original or the attempts to revitalize the character in recent years; in my opinion, simply using the word “Commando” in a title or in reference to the main character provides the 80’s connection. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this, of course. If played by the right perso...[Read More]

Review: League Bowling (PSN)

In the past week, there have been two reviews of SNK’s Neo Geo games for the PlayStation Network. First, we had Ahmed’s review of Fatal Fury. Overall, he felt Fatal Fury was worth your time and money. Then, we had Phillip’s review of Baseball Stars Professional. According to Phillip, Baseball Stars Professional, which was released in 1990, “hasn’t aged well.” I ...[Read More]

Review: Gamma World (Pen and Paper)

Has there ever been an inkling somewhere deep inside you to be a sentient pile of kittens? What about a giant cockroach that starts fires with its mind? OK, how about a radioactive yeti? I am pleased to present Marooners' Rock's first ever pen and paper role playing game review, Gamma World.

Review: Baseball Stars Professional (PSN)

Need to get your baseball fix this offseason?

Review: Two Worlds II (X360)

Developed by Reality Pump (TopWare Interactive), and released by publisher SouthPeak Games, Two Worlds II is a direct sequel to, you guessed it, the 2007 game, Two Worlds. Before reviewing Two Worlds II, however, I feel that something needs to be made clear; the most I played of the first Two Worlds game was the downloadable demo. This will be important later on.

Review: Kinect Sports (X360)

First, there was Wii Sports and stories of people letting go of their controller mid-tennis match and smashing their TVs. Then, PlayStation Move came out with its version, Sports Champions, and we heard the same stories. Well, Xbox’s Kinect takes away that fear by taking away the controllers! All while still providing a great sporting experience!

Review: Little Big Planet 2 (PS3)

The release in 2008 of Media Molecule’s first Little Big Planet warmed the palette and broke the mould of PlayStation 3’s repertoire.

Review: Kinect Adventures (X360)

Kinect Adventures is the game that comes with the Kinect Bundle for Xbox 360. Available with just the game and the sensor or bundled with an Xbox 360 S, gamers everywhere helped this product sell out quickly. Steve Balmer of Microsoft recently announced at CES 2011 that nearly 8 million Kinect bundles have sold worldwide. So, with so many copies of Kinect Adventures floating around, just how well ...[Read More]

Review: Kinect Sensor

First, I gave you delightful readers a review of PlayStation Move, then, Austin gave us a nice PlayStation Move vs. Xbox Kinect article back in September. So, now that the Xbox Kinect has been released, what’s the verdict?

Review: Bejeweled 3 (PC)

I’m not a huge fan of casual games. Flash games; Facebook games; online games; they’re just not ‘my thing’. I consider myself to be a ‘hardcore gamer’ – focusing on first person shooters which test my hand-eye coordination, strategy and skill. I feel as though casual games are unable to provide me with the stimulation required to feel a sense of urgency an...[Read More]

Review: ilomilo (XBLA)

With an official XBLA release date of January 5, 2011, ilomilo, along with Raskulls and A World of Keflings, are all available to purchase through Microsoft Game Studios’ current Games for the Holidays promotion. From within the earliest of these three titles to be officially released at on the Marketplace, A World of Keflings, users could download trial games for both ilomilo and Raskulls, ...[Read More]

Review: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (X360)

One of the fundamental differences I have with my wife stems from Star Wars; she is forever drawn to the Dark Side of the Force, while I am a Jedi, like my father before me. With Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, the choice of how you use the Force to battle the Empire has no bearing whatsoever on your character’s alignment, in much the same way that it had no bearing in the first Star Wars...[Read More]

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