

If you manage to walk away from Taken having learned one lesson, that lesson would be to never fuck with Liam Neeson.  If you do, you will die so hard that your ancestors will feel it.  Seriously. Liam Neeson plays Bryan Mills, a retired CIA agent trying to get closer to his estranged daughter.  Plot setup ensues, and finally his daughter is kidnapped while on vacation in Paris.  He tracks down th...[Read More]

Sword of Truth – Confessor

Confessor is the eleventh, and final, book in the Sword of Truth series.  Terry Goodkind brings his story to its ultimate conclusion in this gripping finale. Confessor is the final book in the Chainfire trilogy, as well as the Sword of Truth series.  Richard has been captured by the Imperial Order, but they are unaware of his identity, thinking he is only a common individual.  Richard manages to e...[Read More]

Sword of Truth – Phantom

Phantom is the penultimate book in the epically long Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind.  The plot of the previous book, Chainfire, is continued and expanded upon in the tenth book of the series. Phantom continues Richard’s search for his missing wife, Kahlan.  The Chainfire spell discovered in the previous book is still in effect, but Richard discovers that the spell form has been corr...[Read More]

Sword of Truth – Chainfire

With the ninth book, Chainfire, the Sword of Truth series starts the final story arc, that will continue through the final two books to the conclusion of the series. Chainfire is the beginning of a trilogy of books that completes the Sword of Truth series.  After a battle, Richard awakes to find Kahlan gone.  Even more disturbing is that nobody seems to remember who Kahlan is, or that Richard was ...[Read More]

Sword of Truth – Naked Empire

Eighth in Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series, Naked Empire brings the regular characters back to the forefront in their continuing efforts to defeat the Imperial Order. Naked Empire picks up right where The Pillars of Creation leaves off.  “The Gang”, as I’ll be referring to the group of heroes from here on out, encounters an individual named Owen, who begs for their as...[Read More]

Sword of Truth – The Pillars of Creation

The Pillars of Creation, the seventh installment of the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, is the first in the series not to prominently feature the regular characters of the first six books. In The Pillars of Creation, we are introduced to some new characters whose storylines will dominate most of the book.  Jennsen and Sebastian are first escaping the assassins of “Lord Rahl”, ...[Read More]

Sword of Truth – Faith of the Fallen

The sixth book in Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series, Faith of the Fallen, drastically alters the course of the overall story. Richard and Kahlan have removed themselves from the world after Richard’s faith in the ability of the people to stand up for themselves and choose freedom over tyranny.  They are unable to stay away, however, when Nicci, an incredibly powerful sorceress who has h...[Read More]

Sword of Truth – Soul of the Fire

Soul of the Fire, the fifth book in Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series, continues moments after where Temple of the Winds left off. In Soul of the Fire, the magic that Kahlan (Richard’s wife) uses to save Richard’s life releases a terrible scourge into the world known as the Chimes.  The Chimes slowly begin draining magic out of the world, which could lead to apocalyptic cons...[Read More]

Sword of Truth – Temple of the Winds

The history of the war that Richard Rahl now finds himself in is fleshed out in more detail in Temple of the Winds, the fourth book of the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. The Emperor of the Imperial Order, Jagang, has forced Richard Rahl into following a prophecy with only two endings, both of which hold death.  A magical plague spreads across the New World with the intensity of a hurrica...[Read More]

X-Men Origins: Wolverine – Review

We rented X-Men Origins: Wolverine over a week ago, but since I work, and we had a busy weekend, it’s taken me the full week to finally complete the game.  Now, on to the review! I’ll start with the complaints.  Primarily, the game was short.  At least, shorter than I would have liked.  However, when you really think about it, that seems to be the case for all games that I enjoy a grea...[Read More]

Sword of Truth – Blood of the Fold

Blood of the Fold is the third book in Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series, and it continues the story of Richard Rahl, while introducing some new characters to the universe. Following the events of the second book, Stone of Tears, a new threat is becoming evident to the New World (the home of Richard Rahl).  This story sees a great deal of political upheaval with Richard taking control o...[Read More]

Sword of Truth – Stone of Tears

Terry Goodkind continues the story of Richard Rahl in Stone of Tears, book two of the Sword of Truth series. Richard, after discovering in the first book that he is the son of the evil tyrant he had to defeat, finds himself seemingly betrayed in this book, putting him up against a new set of foes, both intellectual and physical.  In another fantasy genre cliche move, Richard finds out that he is s...[Read More]

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