
Sword of Truth – Wizard’s First Rule

Wizard’s First Rule is the first book in the Sword of Truth fantasy series by Terry Goodkind.  Wizard’s First Rule introduces you to Richard Cypher, a skilled woodsman and ranger in Westland who becomes a true hero. If that plot sounds familiar, then you’ve read a fantasy novel of any kind.  The normal, unassuming individual lives in peace with no idea of his or her waiting desti...[Read More]

The Last Enchantment

The Last Enchantment is the final book of The Merlin Trilogy, bring the life and deeds of Merlin the Enchanter to a satisfactory conclusion. The Last Enchantment sees Arthur rise to the position of High King of Britain, with Merlin as his advisor and protector.  The book also sees Merlin, in his later years, finally accept the love of a woman, Niniane, who becomes his apprentice, learning all of h...[Read More]

The Hollow Hills

The Hollow Hills is the second book of The Merlin Trilogy detailing the life and purpose of Merlin the Enchanter. The Hollow Hills follows Merlin’s plans for the conception of Arthur, the King who will come to save Britain from the Saxons and from itself.  A very different story is presented here than the standard Sword in the Stone story that most people are familiar with.  Merlin’s p...[Read More]

The Crystal Cave

Mary Stewart’s Merlin Trilogy takes the reader through the life of Merlin, the great wizard of Arthurian legend.  The first book in this trilogy is The Crystal Cave. The Crystal Cave begins a more detailed and somewhat new story of Merlin’s childhood and youth.  The first book sees Merlin progress from a bastard child into the acknowledged son and heir of Aurelius Ambrosius, High King ...[Read More]

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Partial Review)

On Wednesday evening, once Lindsey had finished her runthrough of Overlord II on our Xbox 360 (she should have a review up today), we headed to Blockbuster to trade it in for X-Men Origins: Wolverine.  I played the demo not so long ago, and fell in love with the graphics, the gameplay, and the way Wolverine’s abilities were depicted.  I started the game and was not disappointed. Since I have...[Read More]

The Farthest Shore

The Farthest Shore is the final tale in the Earthsea Cycle, and satisfactorily brings Ged’s story to a conclusion.  The Farthest Shore picks up the tale approximately two decades after the conclusion of The Tombs of Atuan. The Farthest Shore sees the peace that Ged brought Earthsea after the events of The Tombs of Atuan beginning to deteriorate after the magic of Earthsea begins to fail.  Th...[Read More]

The Tombs of Atuan

The Tombs of Atuan is the second book in the Earthsea Cycle, continuing the story of A Wizard of Earthsea a few years after its events.  The book moves its focus, however, onto a new main character, while placing Ged in the role of a supporting character. The Tombs of Atuan is a similar coming of age style story.  The main character, Tenar, also known as Arha, is raised believing in one ideal only...[Read More]

A Wizard of Earthsea

I am a fan of fantasy novels.  One might even go so far as to label me an aficionado. One book that has been a favorite of mine in this genre for a couple of decades is the Ursula K. LeGuin story A Wizard of Earthsea. A Wizard of Earthsea tells the early story of Ged, known as Sparrowhawk.  The story is, in many ways, a coming of age tale that sees Ged transform from an arrogant child into a wise ...[Read More]

Red Faction: Guerrilla (Xbox 360 Demo)

After the disappointment of the Bionic Commando demo, I downloaded the Red Faction: Guerrilla demo.  I had heard good things about this game, so I thought I’d give it a shot.  Thankfully, this demo actually let me try the game properly. The first thing that I noticed in this game is that you can destroy EVERYTHING.  E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!  With a sledgehammer, I was desetroying buildings, swin...[Read More]

Bionic Commando (Xbox 360 Demo)

I loved this game as a kid.  Bionic Commando was, as they say, “the balls.”  That’s a good thing, I assure you.  Prince of Persia and Ninja Gaiden showed us that remakes, when done well, can provide an equally impressive experience now as their predecessors did decades ago.  With that in mind, I eagerly downloaded the Bionic Commando demo from the Xbox Live Marketplace and gave i...[Read More]

Top Spin 3 (Xbox 360 Demo)

I love tennis games.  One of my favorite games on the Sega Dreamcast console was their Virtua Tennis title.  It was a completely wonderful game, regardless of genre.  Wii Sports Tennis is less serious, as it’s more of an excuse to flail around in a silly manner, and we’ve already mentioned Grand Slam Tennis for the Wii.  When I saw that Top Spin 3 was an available demo, I downloaded it...[Read More]

Demo Reviews

Getting tired of seeing demo reviews instead of full game reviews?  Well, do something about it!  Send us full copies of new games for the Xbox 360, and we’ll review the fuck out of them!  In the meantime, however, our broke asses will continue reviewing what we can get our hands on, which, unfortunately, primarily consists of free demos.

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