When I downloaded the Ghostbusters: The Video Game demo for my Xbox 360, I mentioned that it was only one of the few demos I had downloaded. Ninja Gaiden II was another of those demos, and I took some time today to try it out. I’ve been a fan of the Ninja Gaiden series since its days on the original NES, so I was looking forward to this demo very much. As I was browsing the Options menu, l...[Read More]
Tonight, Lindsey and I were treated to an advance screening of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Details of our good fortune can be found here. We sat to watch the film with many of our Twitter friends, such as @leftybrown and @mrsleftybrown, @ChrisHangsleben and @KarmaKaze7, @DanielDanger, and more! Before the film began, however, came a series of trivia questions from @mikeoz of the Fre...[Read More]
Last night, after playing through the Wolverine: Origins demo again (I WANT THAT GAME), I downloaded a few more demos to try out. The first one I downloaded was the Ghostbusters: The Video Game demo. I had heard very good things about it. I also heard that it was, essentially, the third installment of the movie series. As a huge fan of the movies (at least the first one), I had to give it a sh...[Read More]
Over the weekend, we downloaded the Wolverine: Origins demo on our Xbox 360. I am generally hesitant of movie adaptations, but Lindsey had seen some gameplay footage, and I had read a great deal about the game, so we felt it would be a fun, free demo. I gave it a shot on Sunday night, and was immediately impressed by the graphics. The introductory FMV does a good job of introducing the characte...[Read More]
Viewing Review – Before I go into my review for Grand Slam Tennis, I want to let you guys and gals know that I am not too keen on sports games. I have never been athletically inclined, and I’ve found most sports to be boring. Tennis is a sport that I would never play in real life. I’m just too lazy to run back and forth on the court just to hit a ball, so that brings me to video ...[Read More]
Today I was bored and felt like playing something fun. I remembered some people on Twitter telling me about Steam and how you can download free demos. You guys have probably figured out by now that I love free stuff, so if I could entertain myself and pass the time for free… you bet your sweet ass I was going to. So I went to the Steam website and came across a demo I found interesting. Afte...[Read More]
I love zombie games. I love zombie movies. I would go so far as to say that you can all start calling me Zombzi. That’s how much I love seeing those mindless, undead creatures get their heads ripped off. A few days ago we rented, from Blockbuster, a copy of Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop for the Wii. I’ve been wanting to play a version of Dead Rising for ages, and since we lack a 360 r...[Read More]
I can’t remember if we’ve made a blog discussing Mario Party 8 for the Wii, but if we have… great. It’s a little after 8 in the morning and frankly I can’t be bothered to search through the archives 🙂 Chris and I have owned Mario Party 8 since February, and last night was the 2nd time we’ve played it. It’s a great game with a lot of mini-games so our lack ...[Read More]
Last week, I finally had the chance to play through Fable on the Xbox. I remember looking forward to this game with great anticipation when it was first announced, but never having the chance to give it a try. Last week, in a used game store, we saw a clean copy for 7.99, and picked it up fairly quickly. We got home, and I started my life in Albion. The controls were fantastic. I had no proble...[Read More]
I’ve read this book many times before, and each time is just as fun as the last. Written by Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island was meant for his stepson, who inspired the entire story by drawing a simple island map where buried treasure lay. While a children’s book at heart, the novel deals with many adult concepts, such as moral ambiguity in Long John Silver’s ability to ...[Read More]
Lindsey and I were up very late a few nights ago, and we noticed something on the Sci-Fi channel called “WCG Ultimate Gamer”. Both of us being avid gamers, this piqued our curiosity, and we switched over. What we saw was a re-run of the first episode of WCG Ultimate Gamer, a “reality” competition show with video game challenges. It’s a very interesting show, and th...[Read More]
Over a month ago, Chris and Kelly (http://www.themarriedgamers.net) were kind enough to lend us their copy of Boom Blox for the Nintendo Wii, claiming that it was a great game that we just had to try. After letting it sit on the shelf for so long, we finally put it in and gave it a try yesterday afternoon. We were very impressed with this game. Neither one of us has played the single player gam...[Read More]