Ok. Last week we rented a few movies, one of which was Sukiyaki Western Django. We just finished watching it this very moment, and I could not wait to provide the internet with my review. It was ass. There were some cool bits, but it should have been done in Japanese, because the actors were very awkward speaking in English, and it affected the quality of their performances. It’s suppose...[Read More]
Last week, my closest cousin (geographically and emotionally) and his wife purchased a Wii. With this Wii, they purchased a game called Warioware: Smooth Moves. Warioware: Smooth Moves is a party game that supports a ridiculously large number of local players, since it only uses one Wiimote passed between players. The game consists of incredibly short mini-games that are part of an overall scor...[Read More]
I could try to express my shock in words, or I could show you a picture that will explain everything completely. Feast your eyes on this: I hate Hollywood. This movie was supposed to have a September 2008 THEATER RELEASE. THEATER. RELEASE. It ended up being released March 1, 2009, on Cartoon Network, with the DVD following shortly after. Seriously. Go look at your local Blockbuster Video and see...[Read More]
I’ve been putting this review off for almost a week now so I suppose I should probably get on it. Many of you know that Chris and I saw Watchmen last week at the local Midnight Premiere and we were blown away. Chris has already put up a review and although it was brief, he mentioned some things I will be going more in depth about. There will be spoilers in this post so if you haven’t s...[Read More]
Episode 10 was almost exclusively focused on our experience with the Watchmen movie midnight premiere the previous night. There was brief discussion of other topics, but the main topic was Watchmen. We had planned on a short episode before heading out to see Watchmen again, but were so exhausted that we didn’t make it out. Given that, the show is a bit shorter than usual, because we had p...[Read More]
This will be a fairly short and succinct review. A longer and more detailed review will be up later today or tomorrow courtesy of Lindsey. I have been a fan of Watchmen since the late 80s/early 90s (it came out in 1986/1987, but I didn’t catch it until a few years later). It was a brilliant graphic novel that was extremely well written (Alan Moore is widely recognized as fantastic). When...[Read More]
On Friday the 13th, Lindsey and I became the proud new owners of a Nintendo Wii system, along with Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy, Animal Crossing: City Folk (with Wii Speak), and some accessories. Needless to say, our weekend was very productive. Very productive. We have both been playing mostly Animal Crossing. She has played this game in depth on multiple sy...[Read More]
Our Friday the 13th episode started with some unlucky technical difficulties, resulting in a late start of almost 10 minutes! We sincerely apologize, but we were so busy playing on our new Wii that we didn’t take the time to confirm that everything was ready to go. Our bad. This episode saw Lindsey in aluminum devil horns (which were easy to do since all she did was wrap them around her re...[Read More]
Good morning, World of Meh! So last night marked Episode 5 of Year 1 of our weekly MehCast. It was a good show, and, if I recall correctly, our best attended and longest show yet! The two of us had a real blast with this episode, and we really appreciate everyone who has been watching and participating. We started off the show by discussing Lindsey’s Princess Leia style aluminum foil hair,...[Read More]
While browsing my daily webcomics for Tuesdays, I came upon an accompanying blog post that mentioned what was said to be a very interesting time paradox sci-fi story. Intrigued, I looked it up and read it online, as it was hosted for free in its entirety by UCSD (University of California, San Diego). It described a very interesting infinitely reoccurring time loop, which I found fascinating. Ho...[Read More]
Boobies! Within that one word lies the secret of our success with last night’s MehCast. Lindsey wore a top that almost completely failed to conceal her cleavage, which was a reoccuring topic throughout the night. Overall, we feel that it was a good episode. We had a lot of fun, and a large (large for us, I mean) number of viewers. Unfortunately, due to streaming through our wireless rout...[Read More]
Good afternoon, Meh-nans! Meh-ple? Meh-tans? Meh-nanites? I don’t know about that last one… Anyway, last night marked Year 1, Episode 3 of our weekly MehCast! We ran just a few minutes over an hour, and ended shortly after my cousin’s wife (cousin-in-law?) came over. We had a fairly good turnout, although it seemed to fluctuate over the course of the broadcast. All in all, ...[Read More]