
Year 1 – Episode 2 Recap

Last Friday, Chris and I had a rather interesting show. For starters we had to cut it at an hour due to us having company come over. Then we experienced tech issues about half way through the show in which we had to cut the feed and restream. Our total live viewer count was 2, but we knew in advance that some of the guys who were there for our first episode wouldn’t be able to make it. I kne...[Read More]

2008 – My year in review

Today is the last day in 2008 and boy what a year this has been. The world has seen many changes, the United States has gone to hell in a handbasket, and people from all different backgrounds are saying “enough!” My 2008 wasn’t as dramatic but it had it’s fair share of highs and lows. Since this blog is fairly new, I figure I can let you all get to know me a little bit bett...[Read More]

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