Rockstar Games

Rockstar Games Releasing GTA V Trailer Tomorrow

Are you looking forward to Rockstar Games’ upcoming title GTA V as much as I am? Let’s face it I know some of you reading this enjoy games that you can simply run around and blow shit up. Sorry for the language, but don’t tell me you haven’t done just that. If you haven’t had a friend drive by in GTA IV and you blow their car up with a rocket or the Apache then you...[Read More]

Review: Max Payne 3 (360)

There are so many third person shooters on the market. Some are good, while others make me wonder what the developers and publishers were thinking when they decided to create such awful games. Adding to the already large list of third person shooters is Rockstar Games’ latest entry in the Max Payne saga, Max Payne 3. Max is back for a grand adventure, and quite a lot has happened since the l...[Read More]

Red Dead Redemption’s Undead Nightmare

Today Rockstar is releasing the Undead Nightmare pack. You can check previous updates HERE, HERE and OVER HERE … oh, and HERE! Then, take a look at some of the other screenshots along with the official launch trailer!

Red Dead Redemption Updates

I must first apologise to all you loyal readers waiting for Red Dead Redemption news. I have kind of been slacking. Well, slack no more! I’ve got all the screenshots and updates you need to satisfy your Red Dead Redemption hunger!

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