
Mayo Mayhem

I honestly don’t even know how to start this off without laughing hysterically, but I will try. Very rarely do I use mayo. Why? Because it’s basically eggs and oil combined to create a creamy white substance. I do not care for creamy white substances in my mouth, and you may interpret that however you want. On sandwiches I prefer mustard, but with my reflux, the vinegar in mustard just...[Read More]


I love sandwiches.  They’re easy to eat, they taste phenomenal (if done right), they look cool, and they taste phenomenal (if done right).  What brings up the topic of sandwiches, you might ask?  Well, I’m eating one right now, and I felt like gloating about it. I have a huge, delicious deli sandwich on a plate next to me.  I’m taking quick breaks between sentences to savor and c...[Read More]

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