What’s a two and a half month character bio gap between friends? It’s been a while since we’ve seen any character reveals from SEGA for Platinum Games’ upcoming multiplayer brawler, Anarchy Reigns, but the time has come for the ninth character to see the light of day: Durga. I think I can safely say that this will not be my character of choice. Durga is, not surprisingly, y...[Read More]
Zombie babies. There is more to see in this trailer than just zombie babies. However, I feel that zombie babies are the highlight of this thing. You may too.
I love shooting robots. I’d much rather be shooting robots than anything else, and hey, did you know that Binary Domain is absolutely filled with shooting robots? Now, you have to shoot the HELL out of Binary Domain’s robots in order to finally put them out of commission, but with the release of the new Core Weapons trailer, we can at least get a good look at what we’ll be shooti...[Read More]
Superhero video games do not exactly have a reputation for excellence. For every X-Men Arcade, there are two Superman 64s. When you get into superhero video games that are released as tie-ins to superhero movies, it gets even worse. For every Spider-Man 2, there are five games like…well…Spider-Man 3. So while I await the release of any superhero game with great anticipation, due to the...[Read More]
When I first saw the trailer for Binary Domain a month or two ago, I thought to myself, “Hm. Did they just try to take Vanquish and make it a slower squad based shooter?” Now, Vanquish was one of my favorite games out of 2010, so this wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing; just an unoriginal thing. Luckily, from what I saw at E3, this is going to be something very different.
I’ve been geeking out about Anarchy Reigns since January. January is, coincidentally, when the fifth Platinum Games title was announced. So far, everything that’s come out of Platinum Games has been pure gold…or platinum (hurr hurr hurr). After what we saw at E3, does Anarchy Reigns live up to that Platinum legacy? Let me give you three words to answer that: MadWorld Spiritual Su...[Read More]
Do you remember the ninja named Joe? Joe Musashi kept us entertained in the 80s and 90s as Shinobi. This September, Shinobi returns in the form of Joe’s father, Jiro, to the 3DS. We got a chance to sit down and play the new Shinobi at a press event last week, and it was fun. Difficult, but fun.