360/Kinect Gets Its Own Virtua Tennis 4 Trailer

So far, it’s been nothing from the SEGA Virtua Tennis 4 camp but PS3, PS3, PS3. Today, for the rest of us, we are treated to a trailer for the 360/Kinect! Granted, the first portion of the Kinect trailer shows them using…conventional controllers. But patience pays off, as Kinect play eventually appears!

Virtua Tennis 4 PS3 Trailer: World Tour

We’ve seen the exclusive content that will be available to PlayStation 3 users in Virtua Tennis 4. We’ve seen an official general trailer for the PlayStation 3 version of Virtua Tennis 4. Now, the meat-and-potatoes of the game, the World Tour mode, is getting a trailer of its own, and it looks like a whole boatload of fun.

Virtua Tennis 4 PS3 Trailer

Yesterday we got to see some of the exclusive content coming to the PlayStation 3 version of SEGA’s Virtua Tennis 4. As a note, I better be getting Agassi (I’ll also settle for McEnroe or Sampras) as an exclusive on my 360. Moving on, though, today we get to see gameplay footage of Virtua Tennis 4 as it will appear on the PlayStation 3.

PS3 Gets Exclusive Virtua Tennis 4 Content

Virtua Tennis 4 hits the 360, PS3, Wii, and PC on May 10, 2011 (May 14, 2011 for EU). When that day comes, PS3 owners will get a great little handful of exclusive content not available to 360/Wii/PC players. I can only hope that the 360 gets similar treatment and receives its own set of exclusives, since I don’t have a PS3, but I’ll just have to wait and see what happens. I am desperat...[Read More]

Buy Cool Stuff, Help Japan!

SEGA of America and the American Red Cross are teaming up to aid efforts to help the people in Japan affected by the recent tsunami. SEGA is auctioning off collectors items through ebay, and 100% of the proceeds of the auction will be donated to the American Red Cross.

Review: Total War: Shogun 2 (PC)

Great warlords battle for the soul of Japan as Total War returns to its origins and asks who will rise up to become shogun of 16th century Japan.

Anarchy Reigns Character Bio: Blacker Baron

The third MadWorld character to appear in Anarchy Reigns is…Blacker Baron. Seriously, dudes? A black character named…Blacker Baron? My first question is obvious: If he’s the BlackER Baron, who is the Black Baron, and was he skipped over for admission into Anarchy Reigns simply because the Blacker Baron was…blacker? Does the blackness refer to his skin-tone, or the blackness...[Read More]

Anarchy Reigns Character Bio: Mathilda

It’s been a little over a month since our last look at Anarchy Reigns. I had a sinking feeling for part of that time that we wouldn’t be treated to any more characters for this game. Gladly, I was mistaken, as Mathilda makes her triumphant return from MadWorld. The fifth character so far, Mathilda is not a lady you would want to meet in a dark alley on your own. Or with friends. Or at ...[Read More]

Weekly Retro Review: Ristar

It’s been a long time since my last retro review (I blame it on the flu). Of course, being sick has its benefits, as I get to have more time to look at classic games. Today’s entry is one such classic. It’s 1995, and it’s that time period where game companies could come up with many insane ideas for characters and it would work. I mean seriously, when was the last time you ...[Read More]

The New Multiplayer Trailer for Conduit 2 is Awesome

Oh SEGA, how we love thee! To end the week on a sweet, sweet note, a new multiplayer trailer for Conduit 2 was released today and it’s ridiculously awesome.

New Trailer for Total War: Shogun 2 Released

A new multiplayer trailer for upcoming PC game, Total War: Shogun 2, has been released. The trailer gives an overview of the types of things you’ll be able to do in the game’s multiplayer, ranging from customizable avatars and banners to upgradable units. The trailer also gives a glimpse of the game’s multiplayer gameplay, which includes 4 vs. 4 battles and an all new cooperative...[Read More]

Review: Hard Corps: Uprising (XBLA)

Some people might say that Castlevania is Konami’s greatest creation, while others may say Metal Gear. Some may find Silent Hill to be the crown jewel of Konami, while others may say Dance Dance Revolution. I humbly suggest that they are all wrong (though Castlevania would come close). As a matter of unarguable fact, Konami’s greatest contribution to the world of gaming has been Contra...[Read More]

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