As some of you may know, I am Canadian. As some of you may not know, we celebrate Thanksgiving in October. I’m not entirely sure what Black Friday is, but I’ve been told it’s the American equivalent to Canada and Europe’s Boxing Day. So, it’s kind of a big deal.
Valkyria Chronicles II, a tactical roleplaying game about civil war. Sounds like that would be enough eh? Sega doesn’t seem to think so!
When the CD-ROM technology first appeared, game developers got all kinds of insane ideas. Due to the storage space it opened up, they figured that they could put all sorts of little movies on them. This is how Full Motion Video or FMV came into being on games. And Sega managed to utilize this technology, in combination with their hit 16 bit console the Genesis, to open up a new generation of gamin...[Read More]
Finally, Sega’s Shogun 2 gets a release date!
Every gamer has one game in their memory. It’s a certain kind of game, one that the gamer in question both loves and hates. The hatred tends to stem from the insane difficulty the game has. For a lot of gamers, that game was Ninja Gaiden. But for those of us who played lots of games for the Sega Genesis, we had Chakan the Forever Man, a game so brutal that even the easy setting was hard. To ...[Read More]
With over a decade and a half between games, has Sonic returned to form?
What can I say about Sonic the Hedgehog? He’s definitely one of my all-time favorite video game heroes, he’s had one of the longest careers in the industry, and he’s also often the center of flame-wars between factions of his fandom. But I always find Sonic unique in his ability to transcend past the games. In particular, Sonic has had more success in animation than most game ico...[Read More]
When I was but a wee lad, I found great joy in my Atari 2600, NES, Commodore 64, and more. When my grandmother sent me a SEGA Genesis bundled with Sonic the Hedgehog for my ninth birthday, I became a SEGA man. I still owned and played other consoles and platforms, but my heart and soul belonged to a little blue fuzzball in red hightops. Even to this day, if I have to choose between playing the ori...[Read More]
We here at World of Meh would like to keep you up to date. So, here’s a list of the games reportedly being release October 10 – 16.
Comic books and video games. There is no greater combination. So, when you take an American icon like Captain America and throw him into a third person shooter, well, you know it’s going to rock!
We’ve mentioned Sonic the Hedgehog a few times in passing on this site. To be honest, he’s a touchy subject. On the one hand, when a Sonic the Hedgehog game is good, it can be one of the best games you will ever play. On the other hand, when a Sonic the Hedgehog game is bad, it makes you wish you were playing E.T. on the Atari 2600 instead (for you young whipper-snappers that aren...[Read More]