Review: Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (XBLA)

I enjoy fighting games quite a bit, ranging from Street Fighter to Soul Calibur, and Marvel vs. Capcom to the recently released XBLA/PSN title Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown. For those of you unfamiliar with fighting games, they are not all the same, and they are not all created equal. The basic concept may be the same, but the techniques used to execute that concept can be wildly different. How ...[Read More]

Review: SEGA Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co. (XBLA)

Of the four SEGA Vintage Collection packages, the Alex Kidd & Co. package is the only one that contains non-related titles. The Streets of Rage collection consists of Streets of Rage, Streets of Rage 2, and Streets of Rage 3. The Golden Axe collection consists of Golden Axe, Golden Axe 2, and Golden Axe…3. The Monster World collection consists of Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Wonder Boy in...[Read More]

Review: SEGA Vintage Collection: Monster World (XBLA)

I’ve always been a fan of fantasy style video games, and the Monster World series fits that mold very well. In the SEGA Vintage Collection: Monster World package, SEGA has given us three (arguably) great titles, one of which has long resisted the voyage to our shores from its native Japan. Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Wonder Boy in Monster World, and Monster World IV provide consecutively bet...[Read More]

Review: SEGA Vintage Collection: Golden Axe (XBLA)

Two years before Streets of Rage introduced us to adventures atop astonishingly angry avenues and alleyways, Golden Axe brought us side-scrolling beat’em-up action in arcades and on the SEGA Genesis with a wonderfully fantastical presentation. SEGA, realizing that releasing a Streets of Rage Vintage Collection without releasing a Vintage Collection for its genre predecessor, Golden Axe, has&...[Read More]

Review: SEGA Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage (XBLA)

Ah, Streets of Rage. From the arcade to home consoles, Streets of Rage was always one of my first choice brawlers, along with Final Fight, Double Dragon, and all the rest. I have different memories of each, with each just as fond. The side-scrolling beat’em-up genre is classic, and an essential experience for any who wish to capture the experience of gaming in the arcade, 8-bit, and 16-bit e...[Read More]

Jet Set Radio Track List Released

I’m definitely a big fan of SEGA, and I’m always eager when they’re ready to release a game, whether it is a digital download or a full retail title. That being said, you can imagine that I’m excited for Jet Set Radio. Today, SEGA has announced the full track list for their upcoming title. As you must know, some games can have different soundtracks and playable content depe...[Read More]

Aliens: Colonial Marines Releases in 2013

Nothing like starting your day off with bad news; for example, today we found out that Aliens: Colonial Marines will be pushed to a 2013 release. We had been expecting a late 2012 release window, but at least we can take comfort in the fact that we have a solid release date, albeit a later release date. February 12, 2013, the Colonial Marines take out Aliens on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. Mark your cal...[Read More]

Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II (XBLA)

The fact that I still hold out hope for Sonic titles speaks directly to just how much of an impact the original Genesis titles had on me as a lad. For two decades, I’ve played Sonic titles. Even though Mario has a more consistent track record of quality, Sonic’s high points have been bigger and better than Mario’s across the board, in my opinion. I think what I’m trying to ...[Read More]

SEGA adds more classic games to Steam

Are you looking for more classic games from SEGA? No need to look further, as SEGA has released a large list of classic titles on Steam, listed below. Who doesn’t want to adventure through some awesome classic games which we all grew up with? I know if I was an owner of a well built gaming PC I’d be playing some of the games below, as well as many other titles that catch my eye.

Anime Review: Sands of Destruction

When I first heard of the FUNimation anime title Sands of Destruction, I thought to myself, “This will be an interesting series to watch.” Little did I know that the anime is based on a 2010 Nintendo DS role-playing game published by SEGA. Now, we’ve grown used to many movie adaptations of video games, and video game adaptations of movies, that almost always end up sucking. With that s...[Read More]

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 019 – “Stop Playing Tekken and Make Me A Sandwich”

As soon as we came up with the podcast title for this week’s episode, I had a sudden urge for a sandwich. I could have asked my wife to make one for me, but I am particularly averse to getting slapped in the back of the head. “Stop Playing Tekken and Make Me A Sandwich” marks Episode 019 of Marooners’ Talk. We’re a day late because SOMEONE had to have a birthday yeste...[Read More]

Jet Set Radio Coming to XBLA/PSN/PC

The Dreamcast was ahead of its time in both hardware and software. Many memorable and unforgettable experiences appeared on the Dreamcast and found homes on digital download platforms years after their original platform’s demise. Crazy Taxi, the Power Stone games, Resident Evil CODE: Veronica, Space Channel 5, Samba de Amigo, Virtua Tennis, and more have all found success following the Dream...[Read More]

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