Going into last year’s E3, I was a bit skeptical about Binary Domain. I have an unashamedly vocal love affair with the 2010 SEGA-published Platinum Games third-person shooter Vanquish, and hesitated at the thought of another third-person shooter published by SEGA, set in the future against robots. How could I help but be disappointed when I would naturally draw comparisons to Vanquish? Seein...[Read More]
Binary Domain, SEGA’s squad based shooter for 360 and PS3, will be arriving at the end of this month. For those of you who want to get an early look at how the game will play and what you can expect from it, the demo will be made available this week for you to get your hands dirty. Playstation 3 users can expect the demo to be available tomorrow, while Xbox 360 users will have to wait an ext...[Read More]
I start the console, hear the familiar cry of “SEGA!” and then bliss, as I hear an updated but still recognizable Sonic theme song. I press start, and find myself returned not just to the levels of the past, but that feeling of skill and response that I developed as a child for these games. I’m in heaven.
Treasure is responsible for some of the greatest genre-defining [insert-type-here]’em-up games I have ever had the pleasure of playing. Radiant Silvergun was sublime. Ikaruga was a sweet, hellish nightmare…in a fantastic way. Before both of those classics became the classics they are, however, there was Guardian Heroes on the SEGA Saturn. Easily the most fun I had on a Saturn, and one ...[Read More]
I have very fond memories of Ulala and her dancing heroic antics in the original Space Channel 5. I had never, however, played Space Channel 5 Part 2, which was originally exclusive to the Dreamcast in Japan, until it was re-released on the PlayStation 2. The sequel was generally regarded as superior to its predecessor in terms of graphics, gameplay, game length, and more, but its limited release ...[Read More]
I’ve never been a big fan of fishing games. Part of that, I’m sure, is that I’ve never been a big fan of fishing in general. I find it to be extremely boring. Back in my Dreamcast days, SEGA Bass Fishing was a game I never gave any attention to, and it was definitely not one of the first that would come to mind if asked which classic Dreamcast games should be re-released on XBLA ...[Read More]
WINNER ANNOUNCED: Leon (@lmd1974) has won the copy of Rise of Nightmares! Thank you all for participating, and keep your eyes open for more contests! …or, as it is more commonly known, Rise of Nightmares! Do you have a Kinect? Do you enjoy video games? Have you always wanted to feel the grim satisfaction of swinging a chainsaw through necrotic flesh? Until the zombie apocalypse arrives, this...[Read More]
A supervillain named Inferno is threatening the world, and the United Nations wants to negotiate, against the will of General Bryant. Facing the grim reality of the cowardice of politicians, General Bryant does the only sane thing there is to do; he forms a group of operatives who will work outside of the law to take down the threat that Inferno is presenting. These uncontrolled operatives, or Ren...[Read More]
I imagine that watching me play Rise of Nightmares would not be totally dissimilar to watching me do a mixed-pace session of Tae Bo. I am fairly certain that SEGA was fully aware of this fact when developing it. As the first M rated Kinect game, I’m sure they relied on it, in fact, to help counteract the severity of the game’s violence and demeanor. That being said, Rise of Nightmares ...[Read More]
This would have gone up yesterday, for three consecutive days of Anarchy Reigns releases, but I was in the middle of a FIGHT FOR MY LIFE (disclaimer: “FIGHT FOR MY LIFE” is not intended to reflect any actual fight, be it as serious as a fight for survival or as lighthearted as a fight over Chinese or Japanese for dinner). This marks the eleventh character reveal from SEGA for Platinum ...[Read More]
With a new character reveal yesterday being swiftly followed by a new character reveal today, one could start hoping that we’re on a new streak of character reveals for Platinum Games’ cyborg-laden button masher, Anarchy Reigns! Today’s character reveal, the tenth so far, introduces us to Garuda.